Saturday, 28 March 2009

Circular No 386

Newsletter for past alumni of The Abbey School, Mt. St. Benedict, Trinidad and Tobago, W.I.

Caracas, 28 of March 2009 No. 386


Dear Friends,

NEW comer Peter Alkins with regrettable news on John Alkins his brother.


Sent: Sun 3/01/09 7:14 PM

Resp.: Re. Circular The Abbey School MSB


I went to Mount for a couple years ..

the prep years only .. 1960 - 1962.

I was in class with Norman Tang, Brian Chen, Steve Anderson ...

My older brother John, also went to Mount ... likely 1956 - 1963.

He passed away in 2000.




From: Glen Mckoy []

Sent: Jueves, 03 de Abril de 2008 05:22 a.m.

Subject: RE: The Grotto in the Forest

Oh my God, Nigel ,

what a true story, of true knights, and walking in the light, I remember that feeling , of true love of the maker.

Only when, I was very young and pure, your story is such a journey of life, and finds one self, surrounded by questions or who are you.??

And then living those convictions.

These things you did, the hard decisions you made, to commit yourself, a lad so young, and so mature.

Well, Nigel, when I read your stories, I wonder, why are you holding back all this good stuff from us.??

These are the stories, that CheChe want, for the chronicles.

And yes, I am aware of all the spots you spoke of, and passed them many times, in our travel thru those magical woods.

Nigel I will forward this to CheChe. and other brothers, as I think, this story must be shared.

Thank you, for letting us into your soul,

Love Glen.



Date: Wed, 2 Apr 2008 23:16:45 -0400

What a great story, Glen.

Thank you for sharing it with us.

I too have a story like that, but we didn't build a den.

We built a grotto - in honour of Our Blessed Mother, Mary.

I must have been a devout kid, or something.

There were three of us - Lawrence Scott, Thijs Koenraadt (the older brother of Jan), and myself.

Lawrence eventually left to join a monastery in England - the Premonstratensians, or something like that.

Jan was a Surinamese boy who became a monk at Mt. St. Benedict, but at the time of the story he was a junior seminarian, schooling at the Abbey School.

I was just a Trinidadian kid with no particular desire to go into the religious life.

That came later.

But it probably was as a result of our common interest in religion that we were thrown together.

There is a track leading from the NW corner of the basketball court.

It leads slowly downwards at an angle, and is dug into the side of the hill.

Within 400 yards or so from the School, one suddenly enters a magical world of bush and wildlife.

The sounds of the School disappear and is replaced by the silence of the forest and the occasional sound of chirping birds.

One comes across a small shrine, with a statue of Mary set into a little nook of a concrete structure built by some long-forgotten monk, perhaps.

We would sometimes go for walks along this track, and talk about this and that.

We'd come across the tiny reservoir where, we were told, the monks used to keep an alligator.

This was the tiny stream which provided the water supply for both the School as well as the Monastery, and it is still a mystery to me that such a small dam could have supplied all our needs.

Occasionally, yes, there was a water shortage, and on those days, truck-borne water would be sent up to us from St. Augustine in the valley beneath us.

Fun and games!

Along one stretch of the track, we would come across a concreted section supported by a metal sub-structure, so far as I can remember, which, we were told, was erected by the original Benedictine monks as a way to get down from their mountaintop retreat to the village below, to celebrate Holy Mass or to shop.

The story goes that a mule / donkey carrying a monk panicked when crossing this strange bridge and threw the hapless fellow to his death in the ravine below.

Some distance beyond the concrete "bridge" we came across a wonderful place, where one could imagine miracles could take place.

It was quite damp, and there were lots of dead leaves lying everywhere, atop a rock-strewn natural forest "shelf".

But the best feature of the spot was a tiny waterfall, with a gently trickle of water which flowed down a sloping black rock face, about eight feet long, and ending in a 3' deep rocky pool filled with more dead leaves.

We were intrigued with the place, and we determined that we would make it a pet project of our own.

From then on, whenever we could spare the time, we'd hike into the forest and move rocks around. scrape away leaves, move branches, cut out small bushes growing among the rocks, clean the rocky pool, and so on.

We worked at it for a number of weeks, and eventually, we thought we had prepared the place well enough to be able to place a statue of the Blessed Virgin at the top of the tiny waterfall.

Somehow we obtained a statue and Thijs, I believe, asked Fr. Peter O.S.B., a very holy man we all respected, to come with us to bless "our" grotto.

I was not there the day that Fr. Peter came, and I cannot now remember how come that happened.

I was assured, however, that he did come, he did bless, he did NOT fall into the water.

From that day on, I believe I made only one more trip to the spot.

This was just before I received news of my father's death in New York on November 24, 1960, one month before my "O" Level exams.

I suppose that some of the boys who followed me at MSB must have seen the grotto in the years that followed.

For all I know it's still there.

Lawrence Scott left the monastery and has become a writer.

Thijs Koenraadt (Brother Alphonse) was recalled to Suriname by his father to help out with the farm.

He married Lucy La Rose in August 1969. In 1970 they had a son Paul and in 1972 a daughter Susan.


From: Chandra R. Teelucksingh

Date: 8/14/2007 9:13:21 AM


Sorry to hear about Pascal.

I understand that Fr. Odo is quite ill.

He was on holiday in Holland and got very sick.

I'll try and get some more info and advise l8r today.


----- Original Message --------------------------------------------------------.



Sent: Monday, August 13, 2007 5:17 PM


I just got a call from Winston Ramsahai,

Pascal Bharat died over the weekend and will be cremated tomorrow.

Hit me back.


Chandra Teelucksingh

Thursday, January 15, 2009 3:51:04 PM

Hi Ladislao,

Yes, I am Abbey Alumni, as are four of my brothers before me, Keith (Bunny), Christopher, Allan and Dave.

I was at Abbey from 1968 (in the then newly formed Prep class) until form 5.

You will get my e-mail address from this transmission.

I have been chatting with Paul Quesnel and he thinks that the Alumni association need support.

If we can harness the collective talents of the old boys, we are indeed a force.

Years ago, I met a gentleman in Caracas, Pedro Castro who claimed that he was an Abbey Old Boy, years b4 me and he did assist Bunny in a problem where someone stole his money in a business deal.

He also told us that the Abbey Alumni in Caracas have frequent meetings and if I have more info, I would love to visit.




From: "Herman Verkruissen"

Date: Sat, 21 Aug 22:56:01 -0500 (Central Standard Time)

Hello Mr Coscarart.

My name is Herman Verkruissen, I just found out myself about the web site from the abbey in Trinidad.

And I saw that you are living in Bristol, Louisiana.

I did' finish school I went in 1960 and 1961 when my father told me that we were moving to Mexico.

I am from Holland but not a citizen yet but working on it.

We left Mexico 2 years later to New Orleans then moved to Lake Charles where I have been now for 40 years.

I did found a picture of me on the site. go to class photos and scroll down to class of 1966 ( Taken earlier ) top row I am the 3rd one from the right with light hair.

That was a surprise for me.

Anyway let me know if you received my e-mail maybe one day we can meet and talk about the school.

Since I saw the web site I have been putting a book together with every thing I can find.

Anyway take.

Herman Verkruissen

(Please send me a copy, ed.)


From: Salvador Coscarart

Date: 2/19/2005 4:42:27 PM

From: "Herman"

Date: Sat, 19 Feb 09:20:25 -0600 (Central Standard Time)

Mr Coscarart,

Good to hear from you I have not forgotten you.

I have been very busy with my son in law at his new home but I like to meet you one day just to talk about the school and what has changed.

I will get in touch with you soon.

As you know I work for Cox Communications in Lake Charles some times I go to Lafayette but not very often.

Well take care will talk soon.

-------Original Message----------------------------------------------------.

From: Salvador Coscarart

Date: 02/18/05 22:31:10

Hello Mr.Herman,

How are you , my name is Salvador Coscarart I also went to the Abbey School in Trinidad

I live here in Lafayette and my phone # is 337-668-4595.

Actually the outskirts of sunset.

Anyway just wanted to drop a few lines and may be we can meet to chat about the good old days back at mount St.Benedict .

I have photos I took when I went in 2004 to the first school reunion.

Feel free to call anytime .

Abbey old boy

salvador coscarart.


From: Herman

Date: 4/3/ 12:22:13 AM


Sorry my friend I did receive it.

Good job.

I don't know if Salvador send you two pictures of some friends I use to go to school with.

Let me see if I can send them to you I would like to post them and see if anybody knows them.

They were with me in 1961, at the Abby.




From: Herman Verkruissen |

Date: 10/23/ 9:07:41 PM

Dear Lazslo.

My friend I hope you are doing fine am sorry I have not written you more often but hang in there am going to write you soon again.

Since the storm has hit Lake Charles I had to move north to a town Called DeRidder, Louisiana where I stayed with my Brother in law we rode out the storm for three days with winds of 60 to 80 miles per hr.

Then the company called me to come back to Lake Charles to start getting supplier's to rebuild the cable system as you know am the Warehouse Specialist for Cox Communications Cable TV.

We had over 18000 drops came down from the houses and about 30 miles of main cable broke from the poles from the report we had a lot of damage.

But we have rebuild the system in 30 days and have about 95% of the people back on watching TV.

I have been working 21 days straight 9 to 10 hrs a day.

The two pictures if any body know were they are let me know or e-mail me at

I would appreciate this.


Herman Verkruissen


I hope that I am doing all right, sometimes I feel that I am repeating photos and emails, please forgive me if I do.

Ladislao Kertesz Editor

So now you have all the exchange and photos.

That is for now, till the next one


67JK0001EDIMSB, Virgin in the Grotto.

60HV0001UNKNOWN, Photo by Herman Verkruissen

60VH0002UNKNOWN, Photo by Herman Verkruissen

03MD0002REUNION2003, The clergy´s table.

Saturday, 21 March 2009

Circular No 385

Newsletter for past alumni of The Abbey School, Mt. St. Benedict, Trinidad and Tobago, W.I.

Caracas, 21 of March 2009 No. 385


Dear Friends,

A NEW member of the Circular, Robert Elias, The Mighty Trini.

He was a guest in the Radio talk show 91.1 FM where I called and had a chat ON THE AIR with him and MacIntosh, Llewellyn, the moderator.

You should tune in thru Internet, in the evenings,

Thank you for all the messages and please remember that it makes it easier for me to make corrections to the photos if you mention the CODE at the bottom of each.


Some of the messages might not have the email address as these were copies from replies from FACEBOOK or from the BLOG. Please include your email address if you would like it to be included in the Circular.


Robert Elias, The Mighty Trini, calipso singer.

Sent: Sunday, February 1, 2009 2:56:27 PM

Hello Ladislao,

Thanks very much for keeping in touch and sending me all the e-mails that you have been doing regarding "THE MOUNT".

I sent you an e-mail recently where I tried making contact with "BROTHER VINCENT".

I saw his e-mail address on one of your circulars and I thought it fit to remind him of my two years with him and playing for "THE ABBEY" as I did.

I saw that you have two e-mail addresses so I am now sending you a copy to the other.

Best Wishes,

Robert Elias,

De Mighty Trini.

N.B. Which e-mail address do I use to send you e-mails ???

(I use for daily business, ed.)


RE: The Moon River

Glen Mckoy

Thursday, July 17, 2008 3:09:12 PM

Glen,(G#2) You amaze me at how well you have researched this story.

I guess Moon River will always be part of the mount now Ha! Ha!,

Take care G#1


Glen Mckoy

Thursday, July 17, 2008 4:57:17 AM

Well Carlos,

Its good to see something got your attention to write, were you guys paying in us$ or tt.

I do remember Moon River, but had no reason to go in, as I was walking by with my girlfriend.

I remember Mirama Club, the owner Assie, a friend of my father, so I would drop in, for a drink once in awhile, remember girls dancing on barrels.




Wednesday, July 16, 2008 6:22:29 PM

Well Oscar,...

I guess you did ask the right man after all...!!!

HE knew exactly everything about it : - )

Too bad the Moon river no longer exists.

It's so sad.

All those poor putas...

Whatever became of them...where did they go to find work... : - )

Michael Achim's ears must be ringing now!

Attila Gyuris

--- On Wed, 7/16/08, ian gomes <> wrote:

Date: Wednesday, July 16, 2008, 3:07 PM

OK Oscar,

Mr. Oscar you are something else.

You could not find any other name to call but mine.

Its OK brother. Moon River was owned by Michael Achim's father.

We used to go there occasionally for a drink and lime with the putas.

Being close friends with the owner's son has its rewards.

Any way Michael is a distinguished businessman now and owns York Garments.

The location of Moon River was converted to the York Garments Factory on Abercromby Street.

So Moon River no longer exists.

Pity though I know you would have visited there on your last visit to T & T.

HEEEEEEEEEE! got you boy don't mess with your older school mates.

You will be sampated with piccong.




On Mon, 7/14/08, oscar cantore wrote:

Date: Monday, July 14, 2008, 2:12 PM

I believe it still exists…….It is close to the Port!!!!

Ask Ian Gomes he should know!!!!!!



Monday, July 14, 2008 3:51:59 PM

PIMP... eh?

No wonder you were getting a commission & some side benefits too!

Attila Gyuris

On Mon, 7/14/08, wrote:

Subject: The Moon River

Date: Monday, July 14, 2008, 12:20 PM

PUNANEE like crazy back then...a cheap whore on George St was $2.00 and less if things real bad that night.

I took a few Venezuelans sometimes to get their rocks off.

I was the pimp at the time.



Monday, July 14, 2008 3:14:53 PM

Ohhh even remember the STREET NAME?

You must have been getting "frequent nookie" points!

Attila Gyuris

On Mon, 7/14/08, wrote:

Date: Monday, July 14, 2008, 11:48 AM

Was on Oxford Street corner..


Dated 7/14/2008 2:38:26 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

Yes, I remember...It was called the "Moon River" in Port of Spain!

Mount boys got a discount!

Attila Gyuris


Nigel P. Boos

Monday, July 14, 2008 3:14:07 PM

Would that be MICHAEL Achim?




Monday, July 14, 2008 3:09:13 PM

YEAH..That's it!...... it was Achim..... a skinny chinese boy.

I can still picture his face.

It was real good thing to know him. : - )

Attila Gyuris


On Mon, 7/14/08, wrote:

Date: Monday, July 14, 2008, 11:47 AM

Yeah, Achim was their last name I think..

The manager called police for us one night because one of my friend slapped a puta.

When the police came and we told them she tried to pick his pocket.

They told us we were right to beat her up and they ended up drinking with us at the bar, of course we paid for the drinks.

Then I told the manager about going to school with the owner's son and we ended up drinking for free.

Those were some crazy days and I was only 16 yo at the time.

Some boys said they saw one of the Brothers at the mount at the club one night.

I think Bro Mark, he left the priesthood and got married a few years after.

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++. wrote:

Date: Monday, July 14, 2008, 11:22 AM

I remember they used to smuggle in putas also,

A chinese guy parents who went to mount in my time owned one of the biggest night club with a brothel upstairs and had a few putas from Venezuela and Colombia.



Date: Fri, 6 Feb 2009 13:48:02 -0400

Dearest Fr Cuthie,

Met Eion O'Connor at a Dinner Party last Sat, so I offered to share some news of those who are in Nova Scotia.

We have me, Eion Trini, Tommy Jardim (Troop Leader) Guyana, Ronnie Lambkin (Oil Fields) Trini, and Glen McKoy Trini, who works closely with Nigel Boos Trini, & Trevor Evelyn Guyana (both in Toronto) plus a bunch of the other Canadian Clan of Mounties.

Val and I will be off to Barbados on the 19th Feb, for a month; (Air Canada does not fly to T&T again; but we will be linking up with some of the MSB Tribe there.

Guys like Cecil Ince Trini (old Arima buddy, Richard Driver Guyana, Steve Tempro Bajan (a younger Old boy), and Scipio Soodeen Trini.

Scipio's cousin Trevor Soodeen Trini (is also in Toronto) and I am in touch with him as well.

So the fabulous Chain of Spirituality, Comaradie and Education, continues to always draw us back to the wonderful and varied memories that wove us together with the Religious at Mount, even though quite a few have passed on; hopefully, to the venue the peace and tranquillity.

The lessons that we all learnt and implemented with the help of the Priests and Brothers, plus the intermingling with those who schooled with us up there are treasured rewards.

It still is a fantastic network, and bless all those younger Old Boys who are striving to preserve that tradition, and keep those said links in love and caring.

Val & I had the pleasure of meeting the new Abbot John, promoting the Religious Shop, and he inveigled me to update myself on the History of Mount with the latest release of it's New Book.

Fabulous and very informative, interesting production.

All the best to all of you, and especially Kitty, whom we missed in April 2008.

You all did a fabulous job on me and my mischievousness.

Just remember I confessed (well most) of them.

As ever, in God,

Art from Dart



George Mickiewicz

Saturday, February 7, 2009 9:14:55 AM

God's blessings to all MSB "boys" and their families:

Been reading and reflecting on Fr. Benedicts life and journey to heaven.

It now looks to me that there are only 3 individuals left at MSB from the dozens with whom we interacted 50 years plus ago.

Namely: Miss Marcus and Fathers Cuthbert and Augustine.

Time flies and life continues.

Fifty years from now there will a memo from someone indicating that only 3 more MSB graduates are left alive while the rest of us will be having a fete in heaven.

Attached is a picture of me and the grand kids in Christmas 2008.

Stay spiritual, healthy, happy and good,



So now you have all the exchange and photos.

From your friendly editor, Ladislao Kertesz 1960.

That is for now, till the next one


56KA0005SCOUTS, by Kenneth Austin

62TF0001BTA, Bernard Tappin as Joyce Porten.

09GM4567GMIFAM, George Mickiewicz and the youngster of the family.

84NT0009, In Bogota Colombia, Neil Trotman and Group

Saturday, 14 March 2009

Circular No 384

Newsletter for past alumni of The Abbey School, Mt. St. Benedict, Trinidad and Tobago, W.I.

Caracas, 14 of March 2009 No. 384


Dear Friends,

A couple of NEW members of the Circular.


Geoffrey Xavier, Class 1958

Sent: Sun 3/08/09 9:20 PM

Hi Ladislao,

I am Geoffrey Xavier Class of 1958 No 16 in Photo.

Thanks for getting in touch with me. I never knew such an ALUMNI existed.

Congratulations and thanks for all the good work you have put into this.

I am now visiting the numerous circulars and enjoying them tremendously.

I have a photo of the Class of 1958 and could now put names to the familiar faces I see.

Sorry for not being able to help you with the 1980's ALUMNI.

This is way after my time at the Abbey.

You can contact me at E-mail address

Thanks once again.

Geoffrey Xavier

Montreal, Canada.


Robert Dyal

Sent: Mon 3/09/09 1:32 AM

Dear Ladislao,

I joined the Abbey School in 1981 when I came back from England to live here in Trinidad.

Was Father Vincent the Principal at the school when you were their?

I left Abbey in 1985.

They closed a few years after that.

You can reach me at the , email address"


Glen Mckoy wrote:


I can't believe you missed the scene with the couple,

I thought you would be the one to see it first,

knowing the Romeo/ Mr Lover you were in your days.

Ha! Ha! G#1



Subject: RE: The Grotto in the Forest

Date: Fri, 4 Apr 2008 13:55:19 -0400

From: Attila GYURIS []

Sent: Viernes, 04 de Abril de 2008 01:42 p.m

Subject: RE: The Grotto in the Forest

Darn....... I missed that scene with the couple!


oscar cantore wrote:


If I recall correctly Fofeo, Jose Maria Costa, the Malave’s were there, that day there was beside our group there was another one of older boys also doing their thing in the river

I recall we discovered or caught in the act a couple making love on top of a rock by the river and at that time we all converted in RAMBO to hide and watch the show!!!!

After a while we broke up the encounter by showing ourselves and the guy got so upset (I do not know why) that he started throwing rocks at us and we all simultaneously replied back and repelled the attack,

At that moment we heard the screams and alarm voices about what was happening further down the river with the little girl and we all ran there.

I remember I was one of the guys that went to get help,

there was a Hospital near by to threat TB and when we requested the help they told us the driver for the ambulance was not there and beside they had no Oxygen available to take,

imagine a TB Hospital without Oxygen

I wonder what they did with their patients, from there we called the Fire Dept. and it took them over an hour to get there and assist us.

But it is true the face Cutty put when we arrived in the Paddy waggon is still fresh in my mind.




Flying, But Not For the Faint of Heart

Nigel P. Boos

Friday, January 9, 2009 1:36:09 PM

Matias, my dear friend,

How are you? It's so good to know that I have indeed managed to contact you.

I hope all is well with you and that you're safe and in good health, wherever you are.

Thanks for the notes on the boomerang story.

I'm happy to know that someone exists "out there" to validate what I'd said.

Sometimes I get the impression that folks think I'm making up these stories, so once more, thank you.

Could I trouble you, perhaps, to ask you to share a paragraph with me to let me know what you've spent the last 40 years doing?

Whatever you say will be shared with Ladislao, so watch it.....!

Anyway, thanks for getting in touch. Do keep it up.

Please confirm for me the email address for Urbano as well.

Happy New Year.

Nigel P. Boos


On 9-Jan-09, at 12:23 PM, Matias von Fedak wrote:

Good afternoon Nigel,

!. Your English (last email) is really impressive.

Now I know why my final English grade at MSB was so miserable.

Now to business:

Your Boomerang story was not 100% correct.

It’s true, Richard Galt was our champion and therefore had the honor to throw the Boomerang, which flew straight into into on of the pillars.

The Boomerang was from a Doctor ,whose son was a day student at MSB.

The poor guy mentioned it in one of our classes, while Father Bush talked about the flying technique of the Boomerang.

Best regards.



From: david decastro

Date: 17 February 2009 04:53

To whom it may concern.

In 1952 in form 5 big boys were allowed to smoke.

There was a pool table in the big boys rec room.

However father Ildephons liked to play pool and was often in the room so many of the boys stop going to the room.

Note that was in 1952





I am sorry to say that it is a bit late to send out invitations for those of us in foreign lands.

As much as I would love to attend, as I did last reunion, I cannot at this time fit it into my schedule.

Hopefully, the next reunion (2008?), will be scheduled with us in mind.

Greetings to all alumni, especially classes of ’58, ’59, and ‘60’.


On 28-Jan-08, at 3:55 PM, Luciano Mellone wrote:

Hello Nigel !!!!!!!!!!

Luciano Mellone MSB 71 - 72 - 73 old Boy. I think you were still there, I do not remember you pretty good.

It is nice to hear from MSB old boys and to know that we are still like a family or brothers.


Mellone Luciano


Nigel Boos

Sunday, October 19, 2008 9:05:13 AM


Have fun.

Ladislao, please note - we have a shooting captain. Good for him.



On 19-Oct-08, at 7:31 AM, Luciano Mellone wrote:

Hi Nigel !!!!!!!

Tonight, when I come back from shooting training

I will sit and make some other corrections for you.

For your information and you could share it with other old boys I will be travelling October 22 to Indonesia - Bali for the world shoot as captain of the Venezuela shooting team.

Regards to all

Mellone Luciano


From: "Moffie, Edgar"
Date: Tue, 25 Jul 08:51:47 -0400

Good to hear fo you too.

It´s nice to read or hear that some old friends form Mount are still alive.

First I most apologise for not having reply to you earlier, but I was on some days off.

I work for a Gas compression company (Hanover compression limited partnership) with main office in Houston Texas.

They have other offices around the world.

Their biggest operation facility is in Venezuela

Glen and myself are always in contact thru e-mail.

Two years ago I did see Villafana, he is running his father´s business.

But it was Carnival season so it was not easy to get in touch with any one.

This year I went back during Carnival and made it back to Mount.

Father Cuthbert showed me the new business they have going on with Yogurt fabrication and sales in Trinidad which they expect to to push to some of the islands around.

The Garners Chousing (Alloy and Junior Asam).

I also understand that Kelven Khan and Kamal khan are also in Canada and so is suppose to be (Nazi) Lew Runi from Tunapuy in Venezuela.

I have heard that an old friend Adolfo Aumaitre (Tucupita) is a dentist, was in Bolivar but moved to his native home Tucupita, I´m trying to reach him.

Have you heard from Salvador Coscarart and his brother Pedro???

Well I see what I can do in order to get more info. about some of the old friends.

God bless you and take care of your self.



-----Mensaje original--------------------------------------------------------

De: Glen Mckoy []

Enviado el: sábado, 15 de julio de 2006 5:44

Hi Edgar,

Good to read from you,

I am Glen Mckoy, my brother is Hudson we have been in Canada since we left the mount,

I contact mono, Glen Evelyn, I use to talk to Allan Juman a few years ago but lost track of him,

I went and visit Tim Healy a few years ago in Florida,

Allan Romeo had contacted me a year ago, but his email does not work any more.

I use to see Jimmy Samaroo when I use to go home but its all so long ago.

Just wanted to say hello from this side of the world,

I live in Halifax Nova Scotia, the rolling stones will be performing here again in Sept. Take care, say hello to your brother for me.



So now you have all the exchanges and photos.

That is for now, till the next one



03DM0001REUNION2003, Don Mitchell, Jon Golding and Gordon Mitchell

03MD0001REUNION2003, Virginia and Michael D´ornellas

03SC1964SCODGO, Donald Goddard and Salvador Coscarat

08MP0006MPR, Manuel Prada looking out from the mount in deep thoughts.