Saturday, 26 December 2009

Circular No 425

Newsletter for past alumni of The Abbey School, Mt. St. Benedict, Trinidad and Tobago, W.I. 
Caracas, 26 December 2009 No.425
Dear Friends,
Starting this issue I shall be adding on a link or file for you to hear music while you read.
I hope that Salah Wilson will help out just as Llewellyn Macintosh with a song or two..
Christmas & New Year Greetings
...22 dic 2009
From: Michael Laughlin  
We, at ISL, would like to take this opportunity to wish you, and your family all the very best for the Christmas season and, a very Happy and Prosperous 2010.
Michael A. Laughlin, 
Managing Director 
4-6 Scott Bushe Street, P.O. Box 535, Port-of-Spain, 
From: Glen Mckoy  
Hello to all my older brothers,
Sorry for the swam of emails, break time coming up soon, but that is how life is for me everyday, too many kind brothers. 
The following will show your age, I hope you mature brothers enjoys this,
Merry Christmas to you all, please be kind, share all your love from now and thru the new year, with your family and friends,
If you gonna get drunk, please don't drive, stay right where you are, 
Don’t eat to much, but feel full and merry,
Love you guys,
Glen Mckoy. (thank you Sarkis) 
FW: 2010 Friendship Contract
From: Glen Mckoy
Hello my brother,
Sarkis, this is excellent, man the New Year already starting to look good, I have to thank you, for all the great stuff you send me. 
Wishing you and your family all the best over the season. 
May the New Year shower you with blessings?
My Amigo,
Best regards,  
Glen McKoy. 
...23 dic 2009
From:   Carlos Dvorak  
May your holiday season be blessed with peace, love and joy.
Sending you my heartfelt wishes, with joy that never ends. 
Que estos dias de goce sean bendecidos con paz, amor y felicidad.
Te envío mis mejores deseos, con alegría que nunca termina 
 God bless you, que Dios te bendiga,
From:   Csaba Jakobszen
Dear Ladislao and Family,
We wish you and your entire family a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2010 with good health and lots of success in all your endeavours.
Thanks again for your dedicated efforts to keep the MSB circulars flowing;
it is always good to hear something about the companions of those happy days and to re-establish contacts which had been interrupted for a long time.
As you’ve probably heard, we’ve had a terribly tragic year as our daughter passed away unexpectedly just after having given birth to her second child.
Hoping to see you again next year around here in Valencia.
Best regards
Mary Carmen and Csaba 
Kathleen and Paul
19 Dec  
Thanks you very much and you also have a wonderful Christmas and a happy new year
It was my three brothers who attended mount
I was not that unlucky ;)
RE: Re. Circular No. 423, The Abbey School MSB‏
From: Joaquin Nuñez (
Sent: Tue 12/22/09 1:22 PM 
Amigo Ladislao
Quiero agradecerte la gentileza de has tenido en el envío de información de nuestra querida ABBEY SCHOOL y la cantidad de recuerdos que pasan por la mente recordando aquellos tiempos.
Recibió un fuerte abrazo en estos días de navidad en compañía de tus familiares y que tengas un feliz año 2010 llego de buena fortuna
Que así sea para todos
Joaquin Nuñez Oliden 
Date: Sun, 20 Dec 2009 01:29:02 -0500 
Hi "Bro!"  
Glen, Your remarks regarding the contributions of the likes of Ladislao [ and as I mentioned in the "Subject" bar: “Acknowledging the 'Caring' contributions of a select few"], was right on the money. 
Ladislao (and the other 'few') I believe really care.
These guys make many sacrifices in - I am sure - in many different ways, AND, don't forget, as they do that which they do so very selflessly, so do their families...
Those guys - I am sure you know better than me who they all are - really deserve the praise and acknowledgement for those loving/caring acts. 
The Old Boys MSB Circular, to which many make contributions of their time, is another great example, and I thank them ALL very much for this.  You will never know how much I look forward to its publications.
It is like the tie that has the capability of binding us all together, and the biggest contribution we can all make, is by sending in our letters and pictures and all the things that are  happening in our lives, and especially not to be afraid to share their hardships / illnesses / stresses along with all the good things. 
As it is in any LARGE Family - and this "Family of Brothers" is an especially large one - we would surely like to have an opportunity to reach out with caring words or a strong hand to lift you up off the ground, help you to walk upright again with pride in your heart, knowing that others really do care/give a damn! ...But, we can’t get to you - reach out to you, if we are not aware. 
I do not expect anyone nor everybody to agree with my way of thinking, but I can't be that far off the mark ...not if you really care.... 
I have always believed the word "Love" is best described when and executed through the act of "caring" or "TO CARE FOR".  I believe that the word 'Love' is very, very often used incorrectly.  I am not pointing to anyone in particular, this is not an accusation, it is just 'my' interpretation of a very simple but very powerful word, because I believe it is all to often used in the wrong context and often not intended as it should be truly representative of what to "LOVE" really means. 
So, it is 'my' humble opinion, that when you love someone, "You Care for them" and when you truly 'Care' for someone there is very little that you would not do or sacrifice for the happiness of that 'one', or person.
When 'I say: " I Love You, I am saying I care about you and truly will do whatever I am able to, in order that I can contribute to that person/individuals life/happiness.... (A lot of words,Eh?)   
"Merry Christmas" 
Sincerely, Cornel ...
Wednesday, December 23, 2009 11:33 PM
From: "Chandra Teelucksingh"  
Merry Christmas . . . 
As we share this time of Peace, Joy, Goodwill and Happiness, let is remember whose birthday we really celebrate, Jesus, and what he represents. 
Spare a Prayer, or more if you can, for those who by circumstance, cannot celebrate. Be that circumstance family matters, financial difficulties, war, bereavement etc. 
Let that Light, born over 2000 years ago be our guiding star and banish the 4 horsemen of the apocalypse out of out hearts and minds. 
Let that Light, born over 2000 years ago shine in our thoughts and actions the year through. 
Merry Christmas . . . . 
                     God’s Blessings . . . . 
Thursday, December 24, 2009 6:04 PM
"Peter Chandler"  
All the best to all 
Wednesday, December 23, 2009 11:06 AM
"ian gomes"  
Merry Christmas to all Friends and family and a Bright and Prosperous New Year to you guys & gals.
From Ian & Donna Gomes and family. 
PS. Remember the True meaning of Christmas. Keep Christ in Christmas. Spend this time wisely with friends and family and please do not overdo the drinking (to all the guys & Gals who drink ignorant water) (My reference to alcohol.). Stay in control. 
Saludos de Chile‏
From: Manuel José Prada Padovani (
Sent: Sat 12/26/09 9:03 AM 
Feliz año nuevo y todo lo mejor en el 2010.
From: Joaquin Nuñez (
Sent:  Sat 12/26/09 8:41 AM 
I will be at Lecheria on the second week of January 2010
I call you back as soon I get home.
Best regards, Happy New year
Date: Fri, 25 Dec 2009 16:09:27 -0500 
Dear Friend Joaquin,
Thank you for the nice words and wishes
My best of bests for your family.
Where are you at this time???
We must get together in January; can you set a date and a place???
In this way you can help me out with the locals.
God bless
Lo escribí en ingles para no tener que traducir, jajaja
Robert Huggins
Date: 15 December 2009 10:07 
Hi Las,
Peter called me last night and I plan to try and get together with him within the next couple of weeks if not before.
Have a very Merry Christmas.
From: Glen Mckoy
Date: 25 December 2009 07:24 
Merry Christmas mi amigo, 
Thank you very much for all your understanding and guidance over some trouble waters, this past year has been challenging, however we have accomplished, a bigger gathering of brothers, actively in contact and involved, it feels good to hear from so many. 
Ha! Ha! You do all the work.
Any how its the season to be jolly, I do hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas, and you get to relax, take a break, down time is good. 
I love you man, you are the best at what you do, I look forward to a better new year, o.k. lets party,  
Best regards
Glen Mckoy..    
Now to the photos.
Ladislao Kertesz, 
So now you have all the exchangs and photos.
09GI005GSCOUTSBADGE, Photo of a scouts badge provided by George Iwaszkiewicz.
09GK0002GKEBLE, Brian Lewis and Gerard Kenny.
09BG0001BGOBRO, The Goddard Brothers
09SC0004REUNIONAJAX, Johnson, Garner, Coscarart, Dewan, and Ms. Villaroel

Saturday, 19 December 2009

Circular No 424

Newsletter for past alumni of The Abbey School, Mt. St. Benedict, Trinidad and Tobago, W.I. 
Caracas, 19 December 2009 No.424
Dear Friends, 
This is the Xmas issue, just a few days before Christmas Holy Days, as we knew them when kids.
Those who would like to send out best wishes, you still have time to send in your message. Must remind our readers that we do not create news, you do, so if you do not send us a FW of your conversation, it cannot be published!!! 
All xmas cards received after 19 of December shall be included in Circular No. 425. 
Some music to listen to: 
17 dec 2009. 
Rafael (CheChe) & Norma, and all the rest of the dream-team. 
2009/12/16 Peter Tang <
We wish you all good health, peace and much happiness during this holy season and for 2010.
All the best,
Peter & family 
david decastro
18 Dec (2 days ago)  
 Hi "You Guys" ..... " a little gift of Christmas ....."
" I Believe You'll Love This ..."
Some "Amazing" singing..."
I couldn't resist sending this to you, knowing you , you will certainly appreciate this
Let me know what you think
P.S.: Just Click on the link below, turn your speakers up and be amazed...!
FW: Everything happens for a reason!!
Cornel de Freitas
9 Dec (10 days ago)  
To ALL of my 'Brothers', at the end of this short message there is a story, that I am sure will touch the hearts of many of you.
It was sent to me by a very dear friend, and I have elected to share it with you.
Call it a little Christmas Present from me.
I Love you all and try my best to remember you when I speak with the Lord.
Blessings for the Christmas Season. . .
To all of my Loving and Caring brothers out there. who are all preparing to Celebrate one of the most Holy periods in our Christian lives: "Christmas" ...This is one is very special to me, and since I was a little boy, I looked forward to Christmas time, when it always appeared that the whole World got all dressed up to celebrate the birthday of Our Lord Jesus. 
"... For GOD so Loved us he sent his only Son to us ..." 
I could never forget how anxiously I looked forward to Dear Brother Vincent to post all of the itineraries of all of the foreign students to go "Home" to celebrate "Christmas" with our families.... it was so exciting!
I would also never forget that one Christmas, because of problems in Venezuela, there were three students that could not get a flight to Colombia for Christmas. so he booked them on the same flight with me to ARUBA, where he notified my parents and they gladly accommodated those three boys (students).
Two of them were brothers, and one of them was Norman Smith.
I was ecstatic to have two of my "Brothers" from Mt. St. Benedict staying at 'my' home in Aruba for a stopover to catch a connecting flight to join them with their families to celebrate Christmas.
I still cannot remember the names of the two brothers, but I believe they lived in 'Bogota', Columbia; and Norman Smith's family lived in 'Medellin', Columbia.
The next day my parents saw them off on their flights to their respective destinations.
But, Guys, am I wrong but are the Christmases coming quicker whereas when I was a boy it seemed like years before it came? ... I must be getting old!... 
On Dec 16, 2009, at 6:23 PM, Ed Lloyd <>  wrote: 
It’s that time of the year again folks, Christmas!
How time flies when you are getting older - and older we both are! –
This is the big one, both Betty & I are 65 at the end of this year and now both retired (me for the third time).
I decided to retire in the spring of this year after spending an absolutely awful winter in the cold, rough North Atlantic drilling for BP. 
In April we both spent a week with Simone, David and children in Worcestershire and then flew down to Trinidad to escape the rainy weather and participate in the first Farfan family reunion (we understand that the second reunion will be in Seville, Spain in 2013). We had an absolute ball while there, met new members of our extended family, and rekindle old friendships.  We had a most enjoyable stay with Daphne & Judy in their new home and had a fantastic stay down the islands at Castle Heights, Monos. 
We had Farfans from all over the world at the reunion and were very impressed with the wonderful job the organisers did. Every single function was a success. We wish to thank them all and to say how much we appreciated their hard work. 
We experienced a wet summer in Scotland which dampened our spirits somewhat but we managed to scrub that memory with our first trip to lovely, hot (expensive) Cyprus and spent a delightful fortnight with Mac, Sharon, Dave, Simone and seven of our grandchildren at the Aphrodite Hills Golf complex near Papos. The resort caters well for families with most sports available to keep the young ones busy. Betty and I spent a lot of time around the pools and beaches with our menagerie of grandchildren. 
Colleen and Les have now completely finished redecorating their new house and both the location and accommodation are splendid. They love it so much that it is like pulling hens teeth to get them to leave Kincardine O´ Neal and visit us in Banchory.  
Eric , Irene and children are all doing well, Erin is now in her first year of Academy at Aboyne, Liam is in Fizean for another two years before joining his big sister. Young Jake has just mastered the art of walking; he is very much a combination of his parents; a very sweet, inquisitive and smiley boy.   
All of our grandchildren are doing well in their respective pursuits, studies, jobs, sports etc and in January next our eldest grandchild Darren Yuill reaches his first big milestone in life – the big 21. Would you believe that the ages of our grandchildren range from 21 years old to just 15 months?  
We are planning a trip to the sun early in the New Year, maybe to Tenerife (Mallorca?) in February and then Edward is away on a week’s golfing holiday to Portugal with his buddies in early May.   
We are all getting together at Sharon and Mac’s for Christmas this year. Eric and family will not be with us as he is going to be offshore from the 24th; but Simone, Dave and family will be coming up from England from the 18th to the 27th of December and staying with us. Sharon, Mac and family will also be leaving on the 27th to go on a skiing holiday in Switzerland, so we will have a quiet Hogmanay in Banchory, we’ll fire one for you all! 
We hope that you have a wonderful, joyful, peaceful family time this Christmas and wish you all the very best for 2010. Hope this meets you and your loved ones in good health and happiness.
Edward & Betty Lloyd 
Date: Wednesday, 16 December, 2009, 18:22
Don, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you and family...all the best,
From: "Don Mitchell CBE QC" <>
Date: Wed, 16 Dec 2009 12:38:11 -0400 
Don and Maggie 
From: Gillian & Leary  
Here's wishing you and your family a very Happy Christmas and all the best for 2010. 
Thank you for all your hard work during the year. 
We really enjoy reading all the news of the Mount and its many students.
There are fewer and fewer of my vintage now but the memories are still wonderful.
Leary & Gillian

Hope this Christmas finds you and your family happy and healthy.
We are still in the Memphis area. Fara is enjoying her retirement.
I continue to work about half the time.
We both maximise the opportunity to visit our families and do some travelling.
Melisa is in Memphis working as a catering manager while attending college.
We love having her close by. Matt and his family are starting their 3rd year in France (too far) where Matt works for Caterpillar.
They have travelled to many countries and the kids have expanded their horizons immensely.
Marc and family are still in Nashville. Marc this year assumed a new role in becoming the Emergency Director at the Nashville VA Hospital. He continues to work part-time at Vanderbilt University Hospital.
It was another interesting year for us.
It started with Fara flying to Grenoble, France, to stay with Matt and his family for 4 weeks.
Heather had knee surgery and needed help with Tanner (now 9) and Kylie (6). Fara came back in late February.
I worked as a part time safety consultant with Du Pont for other companies.
Four trips to India took place between January and May; each trip lasted 2.5 weeks. Considering the period 2006-2009; I made 16 trips to India.
Work involved safety consultation with Reliance, India’s largest private petrochemical company, and their largest steel company Tata Steel.
In July an opportunity came up to work in a petroleum company in the US.
Started working in the USA as the trips to India were very challenging to say the least.
This project is scheduled for 3 years and may require potential additional work in Brazil.
In June-July we travelled to Matt’s for 4 weeks.
We all went together to Corsica for 1 week. The place is AWESOME with very high mountains, quaint seaside towns and beautiful beaches. We had a great time.
Next I flew by myself for 5 days to visit my aunt and uncle in Warsaw who moved there from Venezuela.
Found it to be greatly changed from my last visit to Poland in ’91.
Back to Grenoble and then all of us took the bullet train to Paris for 5 days of sightseeing, enjoyment and good food. Melisa joined us in Paris.
In early August we celebrated my mom’s 90th birthday in NC. She continues to reside in a nursing home near my sister Cristina.
Mom’s dementia continues to sadden us as it continues to grow. Communicating with her is no longer possible.
In late September we took off for 1 week in Las Vegas.
Mostly doing sightseeing with a little gambling on the side.
This was Fara’s first trip to Vegas (she LOVED it). I had not been there since about 1985.
Upon our return we joined Marc and his family at the beach for 1 week.
Megan is now 2 and Madelyn 4. We had a great time watching the girls have fun.
We wish you and your families a Blessed Christmas and a Joyful, Spiritual, and Healthy 2010.
Fara and George 
FW: Check out YouTube - PICT0001.AVI Renny Villafana house burglarised
Sat, December 19, 2009 9:24:06 AM

 Hello Renny, 
I am so sorry to see this my friend, I must say I am glad to know that you and your family are o.k. 
I do hope this is the last time, please ensure you protect your house as best as possible, more lights, dogs, electric barbed wire, I don't know,
I left Trinidad after my father business was held up so many time, it just was not worth it after awhile, my uncle wanted to give me guns to protect myself ect.
But I said before someone gets killed, man I packed up and left Trinidad for good. Renny yuh looking good under the circumstances, 
Renny if there is anything we can do to assist in anyway please don't hesitate to ask, of the brothers, 
I am Edmund Sanoir, he is a police detective in Trinidad, he may be able to see how the investigation is going, and also give you advice on better protection. 
What can I say man, it hurts me to see this.
Take care my brother, we are thinking of you, 
Best regards to you and your family, Glen McKoy
902-477-7244 Halifax,N.S/canada.   (Thank you Neil, for sending this to me) 
Please do not forget to send me you xmas photo, so that friends can visualize you, maybe not recognise you, jajajaj. 
Now to the photos 
Ladislao Kertesz, 
So now you have all the exchanges and photos.
56KA0012SCOUTS, Scouting troop UNKNOWNS
56KA0019KAU, Kenneth Austin
60GI000aSCOUTING, Scouting articles
09GK0001GKEGRP, Gerald Kenny, Edward Lloyd and Brian Lewis

Saturday, 12 December 2009

Circular No 423

Newsletter for past alumni of The Abbey School, Mt. St. Benedict, Trinidad and Tobago, W.I. 
Caracas, 12 December 2009 No.423
Dear Friends, 
I have just sent you a bunch of Circulars and did check you email address.
You are in the Gmail sending list with the Canadian and USA guys.
The blog always gets the Circular first, then I slowly send out to the particular or individual addresses.
The preferred address for reply is either or the address through which you receive the Circular.
Keep well
----- Original Message --------------------------------------------------------.—
Ladislao Kertesz
28 Feb 
Dear Cornel,
The Circulars are still being published and today I sent out 381, please check the older ones at the BLOG site.
I am checking out if your address is ok.
Feel free to write, all persons have a different point of view and we like to keep alive the different opinions.
I have not opened the email on the roti session as I am trying to finish reading JANUARY at all my mail boxes.
I am going to start on the ROTI next week, although it shall be published latter on.
God Bless
2009/2/28 Cornel de Freitas <> 
Hi Ladislao,
First, thank you for your emails dated Feb.27th.
It has been a while since I wrote to you. 
I have been busy with a number of things, including a trip to Niagara Falls for a few days with Michael and the boys.
Did anyone send you any info on the Mini-reunion we had up here on Friday 22nd of February? 
I plan to write about it to you so o can use it one of your Circulars and I am going to encourage those of us that were there to write something to you telling the of that same event, but through their eyes.
Hopefully Nigel can add his angle and include to you the photographs that were taken at this "ROTILICIOUS" event.
I have not received any more Circulars since #379 I believe on February 7th.?? 
Haven't any others been published?
I look forward to hear from you.
GOD bless you and your loved ones
Cornel de Freitas ... 
Date: Fri, 27 Feb 2009 23:56:12 -0400
Dear Cornel,
Yes the email address is correct.
You shall see different addresses all the time as this the way I send them to those that are in Gmail.
You shall never see the other addresses as there has been a privacy issue a year ago and only Nigel is taking care of the main list.
I started in 2001 to give out the then list, but then I realized that some ALUMNI do not want to be addressed.
Of course if they write then they appear in Google etc.
Keep well
2009/1/24 Cornel de Freitas <> 
Dear Ladislao:
I wonder if you could shed some light on this for me.
I received tonight [Friday January 23 at 22:32:24] an email that was directed to Richard Anderson (] and the contents of which are a collection of letters and notes addressing the passing of our beloved father Benedict.
It says: From kertesz11 @.......
             To: manderson17 @......
but nowhere does it show that it was sent to me? ...yet I received a 'copy'. 
I am not complaining mind you, I am very happy to receive any and all info,
You see Richard was one of my friends at the Mount, and the last mention of him was in 2005, in going through the circulars that I have received that was the only time.
Is there a current email address for him?
I have also been trying to get in touch with "Jerry Bain", in a circular (2005) he was asking if anyone has heard from me and a number of other MSB brothers.
I realize how busy you are, so when you get a chance.
GOD bless:
From Cornel de Freitas
Date 21 February 2009 00:39 
THANK YOU Nigel and of course, the gracious Jackie, it was the most ....
The most simple, heart-warming, happy, and fun evening, with even a few surprises, especially the "TREASURE" graciously presented by Terrence.
Terrence, you are indeed, a very gracious person and in ways a treasure of a friend.
I was bubbling over with anxiousness to be there and it was a most rewarding evening, even the Roti was great.
I am very tired now, just arrived home after the 50 min. drive back home, and need to get some serious Zzzzzzz's, we are heading out to Niagara Falls, part business for Michael and part pleasure for the boys, but I will most definitely revisit this topic in the very near future.
Goodnight all, and may GOD bless you all
Cornel de Freitas
24 Feb  
Hi Nigel:
Michael asked if you can save the ".xlxs" file to a ".xls" file; we cannot open the one you sent - I don't know if Carlos can. 
Hi Carlos,
It was really a wonderful thing you did for all of us, by taking the time to come out and spend time with us.
Though I have never seen you before, when you walked in the room, I just knew it was you.
I hope you enjoyed the "Roti", personally, Michael and I thought it was absolutely delicious.
Someone at the gathering suggested the next time we meet will be in Mississauga.
I also love "Spanish cuisine"...
Do you know of any restaurants that you would recommend?
Nigel, How does that sound?
Maybe this could become a more regular thing - that would be real nice you know.  
(I don't know how to type that in "Trini", to make it read / sound as though a "Trinidadian" was saying it.)
Looking forward to hear from all of you,
GOD bless you all my brothers, as Nigel has reminded us,
Tomorrow is 'Ash Wednesday' the beginning of Lent.
Cornel ... ... 
I am not giving up 'Roti' or 'cup-cakes' (I hope "Jackie" - Nigel's better half heard me) ...Ha ha ha ha!...
Date: Tue, 24 Feb 2009 16:54:44 -0500 
Thanks for your kind comments and gentle reflections.
I am so happy that you found the time to come and share your company with us old guys.
Wasn't it wonderful how, in an instant, we were able to transcend time and space and put ourselves back into the past, back into our tiny world of Mt. St. Benedict, and, forgetting that we really had not known one another before that night, were able to come together as brothers in spirit and in the enjoyment of one another's company? 
I would really appreciate any help you can give me to identify the names and contact info for the boys who attended the Abbey School during your time.
In order to help you and to concentrate your mind, I have attached a file which, so far as I know (and I may be wrong) includes all of the students of the Abbey School between 1972-1982.  
Hopefully, you might be able to remember some of them, the years they were at MSB (approximately), how long (approx.) they were at MSB, any email addresses you might know, or any notes which you might remember about them.
Insignificant memories on your part can spark a whole wave of activity on my part.  
So here we go. Please see what you can do for us.
And thanks, Carlos, in advance. 
Thursday, October 15, 2009 11:33 PM
Rudi Singh
To: "sammy peter" , "Ladislao Kertesz"
On the contrary, while the efforts to move forward may have seemed to have stopped there has been countless emails circulating amongst each other.
In my humble opinion, this represents some sort of movement. We are communicating with each other and that is very important!
The agenda that was set out by the planning group may have been too ambitious but never the less it is a place to start! 
Siga delante con fuerza y con fe! 
Monday, August 3, 2009 6:57:57 PM
From:   Nigel P. Boos  
Wonderful, Peter.
Thanks for the info.
Seems like you have indeed had a very useful and productive life.
I envy you the Costa Rica experience and have myself expressed the desire to get down there "one day".
I look forward to hearing from Luke - if he ever writes.
A few pictures of your orchids would be a treat! (Hint, Hint)
On 3-Aug-09, at 1:10 AM, Peter Gorinsky wrote: 
Glad you liked those photos and I have been looking for others that I know exist in among my boxes of photos that I am yet to organize.
The photo of the MSB Choir was taken I think in 1957 at the Mount, maybe on the road leading down to the refectory from where we were loaded onto a bus to be driven off to P-o-S to participate in a competitive concert of college choirs.
I think we actually won the second place for our valiant efforts in all of Trinidad, if we did not sound right we sure looked real sharp!
I have been officially living in Costa Rica since 1974 and am presently retired but still very active in sportfishing, tropical flyfishing, beekeeping, gardening and extensive orchid growing.
My 'Life after MSB' continued with me having to leave then British Guiana to study in London and eventually began an odyssey through various professions that started with me heading research in the department of Psychopharmacology at the Royal College of Surgeons of England and continuing at the University of Tubingen in Germany until 1968 when I returned to Guyana for a family visit, got involved in the political turmoil of that time that culminated with my family being involved in the unsuccessful uprising in the Rupununi (Guyana) in 1969 and me being exiled to Germany.
There I then began a new profession in Gemmology and worked at the German Gemmological Institute in Idar Oberstein until I could no longer stand living in overcrowded Europe and headed back to the tropics to finally settle in Costa Rica in 1974.
Here I got involved in the promotion and development of the tourism industry and in particular the introduction of eco-tourism and sportfishing.
Now I have retired to my mountain top farm at a cool 4600 ft. altitude to enjoy my remaining years and finish various book writing projects.
My remaining family consists of a son and daughter who now live in Florida.
I will ask my brother Luke to contact you though I will warn he is not the best communicator.
Thank you for your great effort with MSB, wishing you the best of health and God Bless,
On 1-Aug-09, at 12:43 AM, Peter Gorinsky wrote:
Hi Nigel,
These are two photos that will certainly add to the collection.
The one is of me when at MSB and the other is of the Abbey Choir ... great escape to be away for a while during choir practise and being hassled by Fr. Francis.
Maybe we can fill in the names... I am the tall one at the back, fifth from the right.
I can name quite a few of the lads though... with a bit of strain to my memory.
Maybe if you put numbers to them, it will be a whole lot easier.
You have been sent 2 pictures. 
Now to the photos 
Ladislao Kertesz, 
So now you have all the exchanges and photos.
09TF1886COMPASS, Compass used by Terrence Ferreira in scouting, Sorry for the definition but Terrence has not been forthcoming with requested photos.
08CF001CDFFAM, Cornel De Freitas and niece
59NB0001AJO, Anthony Johnson
59NB0002GRP, Boxing, an unknown with James Mac Seheult
58PG00001CHOIRMSB, The photo mentioned by Peter, sorry that it misses a lot of names.