Saturday, 28 February 2009

Circular No 382

Newsletter for past alumni of The Abbey School, Mt. St. Benedict, Trinidad and Tobago, W.I.

Caracas, 28 February 2009, No. 382


Dear Friends,

I have SKYPE during office hours, see the GMT hours at the bottom of the Circular. Username “KAVIACION

Now something on GIRLS, St. Joseph´s Convent.

Read on:


Glen Mckoy wrote:


How many times, did they try to expel you ??

Your stories are amazing.



Date: Fri, 4 Apr 2008


Subject: Escapades with the monk's scooter


Yeah but....That was only with girls at the St. Joseph's Girls Academy down the hill...

Where I would go play "Romeo" after stealing Fr. Gregory's or Fr. Hildebrand's Lambretta motor scooters at night after lights out...

Ask Frank Malaver about one incident, when I invited him along once for the adventure.

If once incident stands out better than others.....It is this one:

Sometime in 1968, I asked Frank Malaver if he was interested in coming with me to visit the girls at the Academy that night.

He thought for about 2 seconds and of course he was in.

So I briefed him on what to do and what to expect.

I could see he was a little bit worried, but not too much....yet.

We got up a few hours after lights out, and got dressed in all black clothes, then we sneaked out of the 3rd floor dormitory window and down the water pipe on the side of the building like cat-burglars.

Then down to the garage area, where the buses, cars and the scooters were parked.

The scooters were not locked and they could be started. (ahhh, those were the innocent days!)

So, we pushed the scooter down hill and bump-started it in second gear when sufficiently far from the monastery so they wouldn't hear us.

And down the hill we went with Frank Malaver hanging on for dear life behind me.

It had rained and the road was wet and we slipped out and slow-crashed in one of the curves after passing the swimming pool.

Nothing serious, just some scrapes and a scare, but then Frank got too scared and wanted to scrap the plan and return back up the hill.

I didn't want him to get more worried and I said OK,... let's go back.

As we were going back up the hill, just when we round the curves by the private houses that were just below the PAX Guesthouse we saw headlights! .

Oh shit...Next thing we see the headlights of this vehicle coming down the hill..

It was one of the VW minibuses from the Mount!.

Almost in panic we quickly parked the scooter on the side of the road in front of one of the private houses there, and dove head first into the bushes just as the minibus was driving by.

The bus stopped, backed up, a few minutes passed.

We kept our heads low, not daring to breathe!!!

The after a minute or two, the bus drove away.

We sighed in relief.

After waiting prudently for a few minutes to make sure the bus was gone, we remounted the scooter and, now with hearts pounding, drove it back and parked it in the same place it was before in the garage.

The whole episode took no more than maybe an hour, but I still remember it like it was yesterday.

We fully expected an investigation by the monks the next day, but never heard anything from the incident, and Frank and I swore to each other that we would not tell a soul about it.

Well I think the statute of limitations has about expired on this little caper by now, so finally I am telling.....

I always wondered what did the driver of the bus think after seeing the scooter belonging to a monk parked in front of this private house at 2 o'clock in the morning??? HMMMM

Attila Gyuris

Abbey School 1964-1969


St.Joseph's Convent


Friday, July 18, 2008

That Girl's Boarding school was located in the nearby village of St Joseph (just to the west of Tunapuna).

It was called St. Joseph's Convent, run by Nuns of the order of Sisters of St. Joseph.

I think that school still exists.

They used to cater heavily towards the Venezuelan students, just like the Abbey School did.

On occasion, in the middle of the night, I used to "borrow" Fr. Gregory's and or Fr. Ildephonse's Lambretta motor scooter at night and run down there to visit my girlfriend platonically through the window.

Her name was Jeanette and she was the sister of one of the Mount boys, Rudi Polderman.

Fulvio Cantore's wife, Paola, was also a boarding student there at the same time.

Attila Gyuris


Glen Mckoy

Friday, July 18, 2008


What is this platonically through the window thing yuh talking about, every time I mentioned girls before, the first thing you would ask is ' Did you get lucky', now yuh giving us this platonic excuse, well did you get lucky or what ?

I'm confused, now after all that work Attila, platonically waiting your reply,

Glen. ha! ha!


RE: St.Joseph's Convent


Friday, July 18, 2008

This was different.

No, I didn't get lucky with her..Just long looks, conversation, a few hugs and furtive kisses during the dances and fetes, that's all...

You know, "puppy love"...what can I say.

These night visits on the borrowed scooter to the school were just very chaste exchanges from a distance through the window.

Just like Romeo and Juliet used to do, HMMM... Oh boy, now I am turning red!

Didn't even try to go any further....

At that time we had this "honour system" double standard ...girlfriends you were in love with, were to be honoured and respected.

Besides, the Nuns were very vigilant for the honour of their girls at all times, so we had no opportunity for mischief either..

Also, she already had gotten in trouble because the nuns had found a bunch of my "love letters" to her.

(Good thing they didn't find HER replies!)

ER...Now the "Moon River" is whole other story. : - )


salvador coscarart

14 December 2008

Hello ladislao,

Long time since we made contact.

Well the names on the photo 03uno356grp the guys are from left to right .

Francis Pereira (khaki), Renny Villafana, Salvador Coscarart, Mr Lenox Seals (biology teacher at mount) in our days 67-74.


Salvador Coscarart.


Re 5191, the person on the right is me!! Jean de Meillac, can´t remember the other, he is a Venez who was over for the reunion.

Jean de Meillac

General Manager



Friday, January 16, 2009

Roger de Meillac

2855 SW 39th Ave

Miami Fl 33166

Tel # 305-323-6578 Cell


From: Ladislao Kertesz []

Sent: Saturday, January 10, 2009

Dear Roger,

I am glad that you enjoy the Circulars.

Hope to send out No. 375 on Fr. Benedict Tomorrow.

Please tell me where you live, city and the telephone number.

Any Xmas photos??

God Bless



From: EagleMsi

Sent: Friday, January 2, 2009

Hello Ladislao,

Many thanks for remembering to send me the circular.

I have really enjoyed reading them and remembering all the good times of the mount I was only their for two years,

I remember Fr Cuthbert and the scouts very well ,

Richard Anderson was my PL for those two years .

Peter & Christian Quesnel whose home in Maracas valley we used to visit ,

A Saturday walk up to white stones and down the other side into the valley ,

Peter´s mom would feed us a great meal and drop us back to the grounds in the afternoon.

Thanks again and wishing you and your Family all the best for 2009.


Roger de Meillac


david decastro

27 December 2008

Hi ladisloa and trevor,

I remember all the names you called and I even see my brother Delano--but no David de Castro

I guess I was so small no one seems to remember the weekly fights between myself and John Maingot arranged every week by the Darwent brothers.

In the picture I am No 76.

I was the youngest boy to go to mount.

I was 8 yrs old.

The year was 1944,

In the new year I have got to phone trevor and have a talk with him.

"the bandit" dave


That is for now, till the next one


03SC0356REUNION2003, New names, Francis Pereira, Renny Villafana, Salvador Coscarart and Lennox Seals

61CF0013CDFSF, Cornel deFreitas at the Sports Field.

08UN0225REUNION2008, The Abbey School

56DA0001DAMSCOUT, new names in the SCOUT´s photo.

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