Saturday, 25 April 2009

Circular No 390

Newsletter for past alumni of The Abbey School, Mt. St. Benedict, Trinidad and Tobago, W.I.

Caracas, 25 April 2009 No.390


Dear Friends,

This issue is to inform you on my impending visit to TT, thanks to an invitation of the Association, ASAA.

There has been no formal program issued as yet, but I shall keep you informed on all the events as soon as the committee prepares them.

The first program shall be sent out on the 1 of May, my favourite day.

Hope to see as many of you as possible!!!


Saturday, April 18, 2009 10:20 AM


Dear Chris,

Yes, there is a slip, I used a calendar that starts on a Monday, instead on Sunday as we use here in Venezuela.

Thus I would try to book a flight for Friday and if it is not possible on Thursday.

I am writing to my Classmates separately, those of Class 1960, you included, to see if a reunion can be arranged.

Maybe you could help, once in TT, by calling the guys and arrange something, what ever.

I do not want to set dates and hours.

As to the association, I would place the formal meeting as priority and only after that I shall make other arraignments.

The visit to the Mount could be on Sunday, a Mass maybe??

The possibility of looking at Fr. Benedict´s photos can be arranged???, and if not, then nothing new would have happened, from the actual situation.

The same with the school listing.

I would like to visit the Airport on Monday and Tuesday, would it be possible to make a contact at PIARCO, Operations and Maintenance.

Also to meet those ALUMNI that can only be reached at work.

You can help here as you would know better who would be nice to have with the CIRCULAR.

Maybe I could meet Graham Gonsalves if he is available, he would have been class 1960.

God bless



Wednesday, April 15, 2009 8:56 PM


Dear Ladislao,

Please forgive my tardy reply.

I have been away from computers and email since the beginning of last week and this is the result.

My situation is that I should be back in Trinidad by Sunday 26 April but there is a chance that I will not be able to be there until the following Sunday, May 3. (My plans may have to be changed.)

I am sending a copy of this to Joe so that as the man on the spot, so to speak, he can do what is necessary at this stage.

As to your schedule, it seems to me that we can arrange things to suit you, with the photography session being the tough item.

Please note that the dates/days on your schedule are a bit confusing - a slip of the pen?

Best Wishes,


Joe, Please let me know when you receive this. CK.


Sunday, March 1, 2009 11:15 PM


Greetings Ladislao

Nice to hear from you, and regret not collecting the CD's from Peter Sammy,

Will do so before May.... You hotel and local transport was sponsored by ASAA thus far and the guys are working to provide all the necessary support for your visit.

Please keep in touch,




Saturday, February 28, 2009 7:07 PM


Dear Ladislao,

Thanks for your email.

I have not spoken to Joseph recently but I suspect that he has considered the Summit of the Americas international meeting taking place during 6 to 20 April will cause certain difficulties:

I personally think it will cause great public disruption and confusion.

Trinidad does not have experience in these things!

I will have returned from my London trip by the end of April so will be here when you make your decision.

I will be speaking to Joseph before I leave on Wednesday, and he will communicate with you while I am away.

Keep Well,



From: Laci Kertesz

Date: Friday, February 27, 2009, 9:02 PM

Dear Winston,

Our mail system is in problems, your CD has not arrived, maybe I can get a copy in MAY.

Hope everything is well with you.

I have not tried to call you lately because I am not sure that I have the correct number, and neither the best time to call.

Well I presume that I shall meet you in MAY.

Keep well



From: Winston Ramsahai

Sent: Tuesday, February 10, 2009 6:06:18 PM

Greetings Ladislao,

My brother Toddy and I will arrange your local transport in TT, advise if you have any other interest for us to advise others if necessary.




Monday, February 9, 2009 9:32 PM


Dear Ladislao,.

We who are here in Trinidad will coordinate with Kazim to make certain that he is both here and available to advance this project when you arrive.

The sense of our intent is that we would have a well developed interactive Web site (functioning as a sort of portal) facilitating different kinds of content including video, audio and messaging which would allow those whom are in the site to select whom they would like to chat with and for others to join or leave a particular chat group at will.

Critical to meaning fullness of what we are about, would be some speed on the implementation of having the audio and video interviews with our past teachers whom are still alive produced as soon as possible.

kind regards and best wishes.

Yours sincerely

Joseph Berment-McDowald


From: Chris Knowles

Received: Friday, February 6, 2009, 11:55 AM

Dear Ladislao,

My apologies for not emailing you sooner.

I have been out contact with everyone for about ten days but now things have returned to normal.

At our meeting on January 25th we realised that it should be most practical if you could make your visit to Trinidad in April, perhaps sometime after the Easter period, depending on whatever commitments, family or otherwise, you might have around that time. (The international governmental meeting is in the first half of April).

We want to integrate our activities with Old Boys who are outside of Trinidad, and so are developing a unified website which will be on offer to all Old Boys.

This has been the creative work of Kazim Abassali, and we consider that you should be a part of this effort and so feel that a meeting including both of you is important.

Our first proposed project is to have existing priests and prominent old boys interviewed by an old boy and have the audio/video interview with a biography on the website.

We are concerned for obvious reasons that we need to act soon to speak to our former teachers.

As to your visit here, we will pay for your accommodation for up to four nights.

We have contact with a small hotel in Valsayn which is a suitable place.

If there is a time for your visit which is better for you than around Easter please let us know, as we are flexible.

Once more, I apologise for not being in contact with you sooner.

(I will be away from Trinidad for March).

Best Wishes,


Ps: I am copying this to Joe and Winston.

----- Forwarded Message -------------------------------------------

From: Winston Ramsahai

Sent: Monday, December 8, 2008 10:59:51 PM

Greetings Laszlo

You visit will be our highlight for 2009.

It will be a catalyst to bring the Venezuelan group closer to the TT boys as we seek a common vision and agree on a mission to express the legacy of The Abbey School.

Our executive meets this Sunday and will share the good news to the guys, Joe Berment has indicated that we will sponsor your accommodation, meals and local transport while in TT .

My nos are (H) 1-868-663-9418 : 742-2758 after 8.00 pm is a good time, send me your mailing address for the CD's which will be sent later this week with some local curry powder.....Oscar has the recipe.

Will need a few days to advise further on the exchange program and look forward to hearing from you.




From: laszlo kertesz

Date: Monday, December 8, 2008, 8:05 PM

Dear Winston,

Thank you for the invitation.

I have been planning it for some time now.

Maybe after Xmas or New year,

In the past I have had a place to stay in Diego Martin, when I went over with my daughter a couple of times, but her friend moved to Washington DC and the folks old friends got older and I do not want to bother them.

You may ask how is that someone from a rich oil country may have difficulties, the reason is that we have limitations as to buying US dollars and thus travelling.

I am trying to set up a visit as I have been invited by an old boy about six months ago and must find out if the invitation still stands.

Crazy world of us Venezuelans.

I am trying to prepare a guest room at our house for adults, maybe by February?? next year.

I shall let you know, as I am interested also to meet some of my classmates and others. We can always help either in Margarita or other cities.

I shall be going over with the ferry from Guiria if I go.

Also I am trying to set up a student exchange program for my son 14 years old. to help his English and make friends with kids of his age, just like my daughter did.

That would help his TT friend to learn Spanish while living at our home.

We have had Germans, Hungarians, Spaniards, Ecuadorians, and of course TT exchange students because our local school promotes the program, specially in German.

My daughter is good at this, just as us.

I would like you to help me.

And before I forget, need a couple of pepper bottles on my return.

A word on the photos, I told Don to resend them by alternate means as flicker is not good enough for me to use in the Circular.

Even if you upload at 1Mb the albums filter reduces this to 60Kb for when I am downloading it.

I shall send you details as Don uploaded a total of 220MB for me to download. Excellent.

The CD would be appreciated as maybe the photos would be in full.

Hope to exchange further on the above and even I better I can call you?,

Please send me your number and the time when it is best for me to call.

Time is no problem as I sleep before midnight.

I participated in Talk City radio a few weeks ago when I called Macintosh and Elias both of whom I would like to meet as my son plays musical instruments.

God bless



From: Winston Ramsahai

Sent: Tuesday, December 2, 2008 12:05:27 AM

Season Greetings to you and our family

Nice to hear from you and as always your visionary works, "keeping the Abbey Spirit alive", are always acknowledged at every Reunion.

Your visit to TT is long overdue, although we will not have a TT Reunion in 2009 a special banquet can be organised if you plan to visit and share the msb tunapuna story.

The flicker site will be upgraded to 1Mb soon for downloads and the collection of photos 03-08 will be posted, plus the CD from 07 & 08 reunion photos will also be mailed to you.

We discussed with Manuel Prada the possibility of the TT guys visiting Venezuela or Margarita - open for discussion - Usually there are low cost Easter charter tours from TT –

Will send the CD's next week.




So now you have all the exchanges regarding the visit.

That is for now, till the next one


57RB0004b12, UNKNOWNS

08DM0520REUNION2008, Gerald Kenny and Andre Lazzari

56KA0014SCOUTS, Lots of unknowns.

58NB0109NBO, Nigel Boos by the swimming pool.

Saturday, 18 April 2009

Circular No 389

Newsletter for past alumni of The Abbey School, Mt. St. Benedict, Trinidad and Tobago, W.I.

Caracas, 18 April 2009 No. 389


Dear Friends,

Here is long one by Cornel De Freitas.

Hope that you follow Cornel´s example and cc me, so that the beautiful story of our school can get recorded in the Circular, and who knows a book might be published.

Would this be a challenge for you, Wayne Vincent Brown???




Date: Sun, 15 Feb 2009 01:32:34 -0500

Dear Eion: (It takes a few minutes to put the face to the name)

Many thanks for reaching out... no words could really express what an amazing feeling it is ... to finally be able to actually make contact I said, there just aren't enough words to express my feelings about it!

I have been getting quite a bit of mail and doing my best to respond directly, often copying to Nigel Boos and to Ladislao Kertesz; I am so very appreciative of these guys.

I love them both for what they are doing for us, as well as the others who are re threading the fabric of friendship that has always tied us all together, some tears and also some rips, but I believe we have all grown up and matured, and come to realise what we all meant to each other.

If I could reach out to any brother that I may have hurt or ever offended and left without ever having the chance to make amends, to them, whomsoever "They" may be, my heartfelt "sorry" and please do not hesitate to reach out to me so I could finally express to them, on a one on one basis how I feel, so that they would realise that I care about every single one of them as I do for any of my natural brothers and sisters.

Next time, could you please let me know what picture I could recognise you in, (the Circulars have a number of them) your full name,, when you graduated and left the Mount and what you have been doing etc.etc...

I am so totally blown away that you remember all of that.

Believe me when I tell you, for the last 40-45 years, I have often thought about the cabin we all worked so hard to build, it was a damn good one too.

All the wood and galvanise we stole, even a mattress.

If I remember correctly, it was a two room- albeit small- but a lot of sweat went into the building of it.

I have such great memories of my life at the Mount with all of my 'brothers'.

That's what they all mean to me, and I mean this sincerely.

I know and realise that there were disagreements and misunderstandings, but then again, in any family of brothers and sisters, that happens.

But we all "grew up together" in close proximity, and as we moved forward and got a little older year after year the new younger 'brothers' would join us, and we would look out for them as any big brother would.

But I have always maintained that with all the ups and downs, good times and hard times, great times and even harsh or bad times, I am very proud to be a MOUNT boy!

I have two brothers and sisters, but because I was the eldest, and at the time they were a lot younger, their 'big' brother was away most of their lives, and did not grow up and 'bond' with them as most brothers and sisters do.

I was more or less a brother that would come home from away, spend some time and then leave again.

Even when I left the Mount, I didn't stay in Aruba for very long, because I left for the United States (New York City) to study Electronics.

I enrolled in the Delehanty Institute of Radio Television and Electronics and completed with a 4.0 average.

After that I went on to take Computer Programming at E.C.P.I. (the school was in the sub basement level of the Empire State Building).

I went back to Aruba, and my father used his influence to get me a job with an accounting firm, where I worked for a year to gain some experience while I applied for Immigrant status in Canada.

When my papers got approved, I took off for Canada, and I am now a Canadian Citizen for the last 39 years.

I have visited Trinidad and went up to the Mount.

The first time I went up, Cecil and a few of the boys were still there, of course, they were older and had moved forward a few grades, but It's been a long (very) long time since I've been back to Trinidad.

I believe this may have had a lot to do with my parents passing away and they always travelled to Trinidad to visit our family that live there and also on to St. Vincent where I was born and where my family originated from.

Sorry about the long history, but it helps shed some light on the story.

I believe it was my friend Jeremy du Barry that for some reason was told that I met my demise in, of all places, "Curacao".

Even though Aruba and Curacao are sister islands along with Bonaire, (these three are often referred to as the A B C islands) Aruban people did not care too much for Curacao, and even though I have visited/passed through a few times for connections to other islands etc., I had no real reason to visit often.

Aruba is now independent of the other 5 dutch islands.

The other 3 were St. Martin, Saba and St. Eustatius.

Saba is basically a mountain in the Caribbean sea.

For your information, Terence Ferreira, (do you know him?) is coming up for a visit in about a week.

Nigel and I plan to meet with him for a kind of mini reunion.

Write again and send some pictures if you have some from the 'old days at the MOUNT, I would love to see them.

You wouldn't happen to have one of the old "cabin" would you?

Take care, it was GREAT to hear from you, all the best to you and your loved ones for the new year.

GOD bless you and hope to hear from you soon again.

---By the way...Where do you live?

Cornel de Freitas ...


Date: Sat, 14 Feb 2009 12:38:25 -0400


Is this the "el tigre" cornel?

I heard you were dead man! so its real nice to see you are still around - another witness to the 'back to jail we go' years.

Remember the den we built up behind the scout house; let's see, it was Raymond deVerteuil, Phillip Laughlin, pin head, Christian Gurley, Cecil, ... can't remember all. perhaps also Bookie Deveau..

You would go to town on weekends and bring back all kinds of eats we were starving for at the mount, go to the den, eat, smoke cigarettes and talk shit.

you were one weird dude man.. ..

Do you ever see your country man Crofton Stroud?

He was a kind fella.

Eion O'Connor (Rab - Flaco to the Venezuelans)


Cornel de Freitas

17 Jan

Hi Ladislao:

I found my school picture in the "Circular “

I spent quite a bit of time trying to locate the photographs I have during my time at MSB. and I couldn't find them, but I am sure with moving that they got displaced.

I am confident I will find them.

I do not have anything immediately that would permit any of my MSB brothers to recognise me.

I will find something, sooooon, I promise.

I have however found some that were taken while I was studying in New York City.

It is quite amazing how the memories just start to fade back in.

Some of them are quite interesting stories to recall.

I guess we all have a lot of great memories of that period of our lives.

Just so you know, thank you for sending some of the "circulars" that I missed.

I spent until 4:58 last night (actually until early this morning determined to find a clue somewhere in one of the "Circulars" to give you.

You do amazing work, are you the only one holding this "Circular/Association" together?

I cannot even start to imagine the amount of time that you have invested in this great work.

Kindly take a moment (when you do get one...) and let me know who are all involved.

Once again, I do apologise for my long-windedness, hope you don't mind too much, it means a lot to me.

I will try each time to pass on one of the little "memory/time capsules" that I have, for those that appreciate looking back.

Jeremy duBarry was always an amazing person, I guess hard to understand for a few at the time, nevertheless I believe he understood "Vooooosh!" better than most of us.

I am so very sorry to hear of the passing of Father Benedict. May GOD grant him eternal rest.

It is so sad for me that is passing happened at the time that I have been 'rediscovered', finding yourself and a connection to my old classmates, to learn that Father Benedict, our beloved Father Benedict "Voooosh!" has left us for his really bountiful reward (I am sure), in that place that Our Lord has prepared for him in heaven.

He was indeed a Great person, one to be admired.

It is now Saturday January 17, 2009.

I stopped typing the above message, and a lot has happened since I started it.

When you informed me that Nigel Boos lived near to me, I looked into it.

He does not actually live close, he is about 30 to 40 km in a town called ‘Ajax’.

Since Michael had to deliver a computer to a friend that he fixed for them, and since they lived reasonably close by, I decided to call Nigel and made arrangements to drop by for a ‘first’ visit.

Nigel thought it was a great idea, and that was a plan.

But here is the real surprise, our friend had moved and after consulting a map to get the correct and fastest way to get to our friends new address, he had the same street name and lived almost across from each other.

So we visited Nigel last night and talked and talked and reminisced and talked some more, it was a really happy visit.

His wife, Jackie, is the “Rembrandt” of cake decorating.

I have never before seen such talent.

She turns a decorated cake into such a beautiful masterpiece; it is truly got to be a real ‘mortal’ sin to cut into it!

He sent me a complete file that he had created called: “1070 Boys” – amazing stuff filled with pictures.

It is as close as I’ve ever come to time travel into my past.

Any way I am going to close now or this is going to be really old news if I wait another day,

GOD bless you and your loved ones,

Your brother in Christ,


Hope to hear from you soon.


from: Cornel de Freitas

Date: 21 November 2008 15:12

Dear Ladsislao:

Errol is my younger brother who lives in Miami, I chose to reside in Canada (Toronto) since I was at the Mount.

My time at the Mount was from 1960 - 1966, the dates you were alluding to was before 1960.

Somewhere in a box I believe that I may still have some pictures during my time at the Mount.

I was involved in sports and I was also responsible for putting out the vestments for the priest in the Chapel for the mass etc.

If memory serves me right, I recollect some of monks that taught us at the time was Father Cuthbert, Fr. Augustine and I believe Fr. Bernard was the Head Master at the time and Fr.Eugene was the Dean.

I did not check my emails for a period of time and I do apologise for not getting back to you sooner.

I also had no idea that such a group/organisation existed.

You now have my email address so if you wish to continue an exchange, please feel free to do so.

Thanks for reaching out, I was pleasantly surprised.



Cornel de Freitas


Hi Ladislao.

Thanks for responding so speedily, I was quite happy to hear back from you!

I recognise all of the faces and was good friends with a number of my 'brothers' in the photograph.

Really good friends with Richard Anderson and Jeffrey Camacho and his brother Cecil Camacho who also went to MSB.

So did Richard's younger brother Stephen, who also went to the Abbey School.

But I believe I was in a class ahead of this class.

No, my brother Errol did not attend MSB.

How did you get to know him?

I also remember the monk that took all of the school pictures.

I cannot remember his name but he was a 'science' teacher at the school.

I also took a lot of pictures while I was at MSB, a lot of them were in B&W, and I was also a member of the 'photography club' and did some of my own developing, and took part in athletics.

If memory serves me right, I won the trophy a few times.

I was in St. Lawrence as well as Richard and I believe so was Jeffrey.

They were both good friends and really good athletes themselves.

I have a lot of memories of 'The Abbey School', some good, some not so good, but I must say most are good, at least 90%. (Wish my grades were that high then)

Do you use messenger?

It was really nice hearing from you,

GOD bless U and yours, Cornel

p.s. I remember I used to have a nick-name at the mount...

Any pics of yourself/class?


Date: Sun, 23 Nov 2008 19:21:23 -0400


Dear Cornel,

I left in 1960 December, remember that the graduation was in December.

Did your brother Errol, go to the school?? is so please FW the circular to him and to others that were ALUMNI.

Please make comments on the photo, I need you to write me on the possible whereabouts of your classmates.

God bless



from: Cornel de Freitas

Date:28 November 2008 14:27

Hi Ladislao:

I am interested in finding out more about the "MSB" group/organisation.

Let me know some more details if you can, when it was founded number of members etc.

I did not know that there was a "chest" buried at 'White Stones'?

I remember making the trek up there once, it was quite a steep and difficult climb.

I also recall once when Fr.Eugene (the Dean at the time) walked down the road from the school to the corner and had some of the students collect all of the tennis shoes that were left in the road, by the boys that were 'helping themselves' to the mangoes.

Later that afternoon at bath time, he announced on the P.A. system, that any boys missing their tennis shoes could collect them at his office.

We know what that earned them later.

Any way, locking forward to hear from you again soon.

GOD bless,



Some more on Cornel De Freitas in a future issue.

So now you have all the exchanges and photos.

That is for now, till the next one



60CF0001CDFDM, Cornel de Freitas in Diego Martin

61CF0001CDFARUBA, Cornel de Freitas in Aruba in uniform

67CF1957CDFNY, Cornel de Freitas in NY studying electronics??

92CF0003CDFGRP, Cornel De Freitas cooking??

Saturday, 11 April 2009

Circular No 388

Newsletter for past alumni of The Abbey School, Mt. St. Benedict, Trinidad and Tobago, W.I.

Caracas, 11 April 2009 No. 388



This Circular has various emails that have been on the waiting list for some time.

I would like to thank Fr. Cuthbert for the good Easter wishes.

Also for Nigel´s new Excel files with the latest on ALUMNI.

I have talked with Clive Bettencourt Gomes, he sounds like a youngster, very active, I hope that he will keep on that way for many years.

He has promised me to send material for the Circular.

Remember that all photos are welcome, specially the ones taken at Xmas.

So, here we start.


Salvador Coscarart (

Sent: Thu 1/24/08 3:33 AM

Saludos ladislao.

Aqui otro estudiante de los 70's.

Bueno espero que la familia esten bien y felices ,

Un abraso salvador.



Date: Wed, 23 Jan 2008 15:45:25 -0400

Hola hemano,

Como estas?

Salvador, I am still living in Trinidad, I have been all over the world working in the oil fields now working in Saudi Arabia.

I worked 6 years in Venezuela and loved it.

I am married with 2 children, both boys, 14 & 16 years old.

I spend a lot of time fishing on my off time.

Good to hear from you and may god bless you and family.

I will look for some pic's to send you later.

God Bless


(Note: Roger´s email has had many hiccups lately, ed)

----- Original Message ------------------------------------------------------

From: Salvador Coscarart

Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2008 1:38 PM

Hello Roger,

How are you doing?

Hope you are doing well and in good health.

I don't know if you will remember me or my brother Pedro.

We were from Venezuela when we attended the abbey school from 67-74.

I remember you when John Gionnetti told me about you when i went to Trinidad in 2003.

But i got your e-mail address from john.

Any way am just trying to make contact with you and hopefully we can meet someday on a reunion.

Best wishes.

God bless

Salvador Coscarart.


Salah Wilson

date 15 January 2009 10:41

Greetings Ladislao, and Angel

I am presently in Trinidad so I am using my hotmail address.

I find these emails from you and Angel very exciting.

As a matter of fact I have been trying to get some Alumni from Abbey School happening, I am glad to know that this is already in progress.

These are my co-ordinates. I live in Montreal and is presently in touch with Andel Da Silva also in Montreal.

I attended Abbey School from (1963-1970), I was a member of the football team all the way from Juniors to Seniors.

my name was ( Anthony Wilson called Willy) I am now called ( Salah Wilson, this is the name I use as an author among other things)

I wrote a steelpan text book that is now being used by the Trinidad & Tobago government in the public schools)

I was born in the village ( St. John Road).

I am writing you from there and can look through my window and see the Abbey some of the coaches in my time included ( Tuco -Desmong De Nobreiga) Sheldon Gomes, Vernon Theroulde, Brother Sebastian who is now Ken Bhagan living in Toronto and also in the Steelpan business like myself.

He will be thrilled to know about these developments, I will speak with him.

Some of the football players include, Angel Da Silva, Neville Tenia, Derek Phillips, Cecil Camacho, Ronald Billouin, Gordon Chan Wai Hong. Tony Cedeno, Michael Farah.

I am fully involved in the Steelpan business.

I have introduced it to the public schools in Montreal where my six kids are now the teachers.

I have presently written four Steelpan Text books and am currently promoting them in Trinidad and the Caribbean.

I have been trying to bring about a musical Literacy program in the panyards, of T&T since 2002......still trying.

Incidentally I did introduce a steelpan program in the Early eighties at the Abbey School before the school was shut down.....

But the writing was already on the wall for the fate of the school.

I am also a professional recording and Jazz musician ( Steelpans).

I also take my private school ( Salah's Steelpan Academy) to Panorama competitions in Toronto and Boston.

For the last two years 2007,2008 . We have won the competition both in Montreal and Toronto. this year 2009 we are going for a tripple.

It is in Toronto where I met Ken Bhagan ( no longer Brother Sebastian)

He is also a "Panman" having his own group 'St. Jamestown'..... interesting isn't it.

Listen I will keep in touch..the following are my co-ordinates

In Montreal email < > website: < > hotmail:

In Trinidad email < > hotmail:

Presently it is best to use my hotmail address as I can pick it up anytime on my laptop enjoying the Sunshine here in Trinidad but will not be staying for the Carnival.

Have to start a new steelpan program in Montreal.

We are finally going into the French sector...really good business for the Pan movement.

Angel ...I will keep in touch on my return best wishes to you and yours.

Ladislao send me some updates on you...

I do not remember if we were there together..

But best wishes to you also...

Good job guys


( hope that there is going to be email addresses to the names soon, ed)


Salah Wilson

15 Jan

I have also met Jeremy De Barry...

Guess what He is also a "Panman" he is the Manager of Hatters steelband in San Fernando.



Don Mitchell CBE QC

Wednesday, February 4, 2009 8:52:43 PM

I well remember Erin.

But, Pancho? No.

I did not begin smoking until the advanced age of about 16.

So, I guess I had no reason to.

Please contact Fr Cuthbert!!



Nigel P. Boos

Wednesday, February 4, 2009 6:50:16 PM


I do remember Pancho, and Mr. Tom.

But Erin - no, I don't know him.

Sounds like a character, though.



On 4-Feb-09, at 5:15 PM, eden hutton wrote:

Hi Nigel,

Two VIP's who really were a part of the Mt experience.


Erin was the head janitor.

He worked alone for many years before his helper was hired.

Erin had a limp due to infantile paralysis and the only self defence move ever created at the Mt was named after him.

The move comprises of jamming the sharp point of your knee into the opponent's thigh muscles with all your force.

The result ?! A severe pain and debilitating limp for a good 15 minutes !

Erin lived off the Mt road just below the new Seminary on the right, in a small shack with his ever smiling indian wife.

He was generous with his Anchor Specials if you didnt ask him too often, as any of the smokers will tell you.

Pancho looked like his name; he would have looked even more so wearing a sombrero of course.

Contact Fr Cuthbert.

He probably made out their paychecks.

Best wishes, Eden


Nigel P. Boos

Sunday, May 25, 2008 1:33:37 PM

Hi there, Clyde,

How nice to hear from you. It's been 47 years!

You may not remember me, but I certainly remember you.

We entered MSB at the same time (56) and I finished Form 5 in '60.

How are you doing?

I hope this email finds you in good health.

I appreciate your comments about the fellas you remember from the Abbey School, because it is through these casual words that I pick up new names I'd not heard before, or else I get clarification of other questions.

In this case, I have now heard for the first time, the names of:

1. Roy Taylor

2. Bill Peters

3. Pimsey Vieira (was his real name John - and if so, do you know when he attended MSB?)

If possible, can you let me have the email addresses and phone ## for these guys.

Every little bit helps.

Keep in touch.

Nigel P. Boos

cc. I'm copying this email to one of your BG compadres, Trevor Evelyn.

he might know you / your family, and might like to contact you. NB


On 25-May-08, at 12:48 PM, CLYDE VIEIRA wrote:

Hi Nigel,

Got your e-mail from Roy Taylor in Vancouver.Never seen or heard of this attached list before.

Met Bill Peters many years ago in Vancouver and never knew he went to the Mount.

You have my name listed as CLIVE VIEIRA.


I was at the Mount in 1956 to 1960.

Never graduated there on account of my Family move to Canada.

I was there with about 6 others from Guyana at the time.

I remember Michael King (who I notice passed away in 1999).

Also at the time there were:

Joe Vieira,

Tony Vieira,

Pimsey Vieira,

Terrence Vieira,

Simon DaCosta and his brother

David DaCosta(deceased) and a few others.

It is nice to have a list of Former students,

however it is difficult to remember names after so long a time.

I had the opportunity to visit the school and Abbey in 1998 and found both to be in excellent condition.

The school was not in session at the time.

I still have some photos available that I look back on from time to time.

My e-mail address is,

I reside in Brampton, Ont Canada and my phone # 905-4528319.

Thank you for keeping this list updated.


So now you have all the exchanges and photos.

That is for now, till the next one

Ladislao Kertesz,,



02TV0003EDIBAR, Monastery at Bartica Guyana.

08SW0001SWI, Salah Wilson and the text books.

08SW0002SWI, Salah Wilson

07AZ1496SCOAZA, Salvador Coscarart and Antonio Zanella

