Newsletter for past alumni of The Abbey School, Mt. St. Benedict, Trinidad and Tobago, W.I.
Dear Friends,
Continuing on proposals to honour the teaching services of Miss. Kitty Marcus.
The recompilation of the emails is published to show the love that the alumni have for her after all these years.
Most likely that there is nothing that we can do for her at her advanced age and mobility.
I am sorry that this Circular did not start, maybe ten years earlier.
At that time all our teachers were still alive, from the little information that I have.
Maybe the record keeper at the Monastery can confirm this.
From: Nigel P. Boos
Sent: Sunday, February 17, 2008 11:21 AM
Thanks for your support.
Just a cautionary note:
Since this initiative came from Glen, I suggest that, to avoid duplication of effort, with a number of folks going off in different directions, ONE man should head up this exercise, and everyone else who contributes towards it should operate under his direction –
I further recommend that Glen Evelyn himself should be asked to manage the whole thing, but that individuals / volunteers who wish to get involved should let it be known to him so that he can delegate as he sees fit.
This is not a difficult exercise.
It merely needs some coordinated control with good communication from the get-go.
I think it's a worthy project and I heartily support it.
Regarding the Chinese lady who ran the monks' kitchen, I have to confess that I don't remember / know the lady, so I will bow to your better judgment in this case.
Of course, there is no way we could really recompense / honour everyone to whom we may be indebted, but perhaps ASOBA, through its Presidency, might develop a list of names of people worthy of mentioning, as a first step.
The we can see what we can do
From: Nigel P. Boos
Sent: Sunday, February 17, 2008 1:11 AM
Might I suggest that Fr. Cuthbert could be asked for his advice, as to how we could best show our affection and appreciation for the loyal and kind services offered to the students of the
Would she, perhaps, like us to offer her the gift of a return to her homeland and to her surviving friends, for a visit; or how about our approaching the Austrian High Commission in Trinidad to ask them to officially recognize her services to education in TT by bestowing on her an official honour of the Austrian Government? A long shot, perhaps, but these are only suggestions . . . .
Anyone got a better idea?
Rafael EcheverrÃa
Monday, February 18, 2008 8:43:36 PM
Hey Ladislao
You honour me man ! You could not get me in better company !!! Thank you man.
I agree that Don, Nigel and yourself are already quite loaded.
So ... Count on me ! I am ready, willing and able to help.
However, we need an anchor-man in
On Feb 18, 2008 7:36 PM,
laszlo kertesz <> wrote:
Dear All
Thank you for the motions and all the good will, and the nomination, etc.
But I would like to keep my actual work without a title, I have over 300 emails to record, file etc, today, that is why the emails sent in the Circulars are over a month old.
I can be the leader for this project if that would give stability to a decision, but I do not read the emails every day so I may miss important milestones.
I believe that "Initiator of the Association" should got to Art Knaggs with his original O.A.S.I.S.
Nowdays we should be consider something in the form of "MSB Communicators Organitation" or something that would embrace our individual activity into a "monolith" name.
Since Don is with the Blog, you are with the DATABASE, and I am with the Circular, we have a few ALUMNI that I would like to suggest:
Attila, Glen,
Glen Mckoy
Monday, February 18, 2008 12:59:37 PM
Hi Che Che,
We should thank you for already doing something, for something that is still getting of the ground.
The plaque, are you sure we cannot donate something small towards it.??
If not well we might have to hire this individual in the future for when we make a big board of all our members, to go on a wall on the mount or something, well thats another story for another day.
Che, good to hear from you my friend, may you have a profitable day at your business today,
God bless, your friend till the end
Date: Mon, 18 Feb 2008 08:52:30 +0000
Hi there,
I have a friend here in Ft lauderdale that owns a sport trophie shop.
He has agreed (willingly after some arm twisting) to donate ( yes free) a well made shield shaped award plaque with the
Large enough to fit all the names that appear on the data-base.
Any suggestions regarding what else should be on it? Remembrance?
Nigel, I am asking permission to step down because of the long-distance and work.
However, will make every effort to attend any CHEER and CLAP.
It is less clear who from the group in Trinidad is gonna volunteer,coordinate and go-up-the-hill with the hops, doubles and present it.
Many thanks to those who want to assist.
Saludos Glen
P.S. Rafa you are getting better looking by the minute. You can bring the Arepas and Queso blanco.
Nigel P. Boos
Monday, February 18, 2008 6:20:51 AM
Keep thinking, Glen.
I like your thoughts for a presentation at the Guest House with a select group of invitees.
If the TT Govt gave her an award, it seems appropriate that Mr. Imbert should make a speech on its behalf.
It would ALSO be a nice gesture to include Fr. Cuthbert to present the gift on behalf of the Old Boys.
Ladislao should be there, as also Glen Evelyn.
I'd also hope that Jon Golding and Don Mitchell should be invited.
Then, there's Fr. Abbot, Cutty, Voosh, Rughead, a newspaper photographer, a representative of the Austrian Consulate, who might also wish to take the opportunity to present an award on behalf of his/her Govt.
More ramblings. Must go.
Snow to shovel!
Nigel P. Boos
Tuesday, February 19, 2008 7:21:03 PM
I thoroughly endorse your suggestions. (Sorry that I have to send this to you a few more times, but my computer can send out only so many emails at once, and if I have to cover 200+ addressees, I have no choice but to do this.)
In passing, I must note too, the fantastic outpouring of emails and notes of affection, caring and brotherliness which I'm witnessing and which seems to reflect a deep spirit of unity among the Old Boys, regardless of the occasional misunderstandings and petty nonsense which may have occasionally clouded our days at the
I must confess that I have a real love for the old place, and I wish, really, that it could be restored to its former use as a boarding school for boys to receive a decent Catholic education - probably under the tutelage of some Catholic laymen/women and some of the Benedictine monks.
I know that there is a crisis in vocations, and the population of the Mount has been reduced to a mere shadow of its former glory, but who knows - if an outreach such as this can pick up momentum and succeed, it may yet be the stimulus to encourage vocations, at least to the Benedictine Order at MSB. . . and then into the society at large.
Our desire to honour Ms. Kitty Marcus is praiseworthy, and I am somewhat in awe at the good will which each new email brings.
The Holy Spirit must surely be acting here.
Ubi caritas . . Deus ibi est.
Perhaps, if we all were to say a prayer for the old school, the Benedictines, and most especially, for vocations to the priesthood and the religious life, this could be yet another spark which could reunite the Old Boys, bring life back to the Mount, and give us something good and useful to pass on to another generation.
Some focal point of leadership is a good idea, to provide direction and avoid duplication of effort.
Glen Evelyn has accepted the task of heading up this Project, and he must know that we are all behind him to help wherever possible.
However, he is working offshore in the
I am therefore simply asking everyone to be aware of the need to give a hand if asked to do so by him, and to report all developments directly to him, for better communication and coordination of effort.
May I take this opportunity to, to ask everyone to review the Database (a new version is attached, with any changes since the last mailing indicated in yellow) and to let me know what further amendments need to be made.
In particular, there are some years in which very little response has been forthcoming, and we'd like to get some input from the periods 1950-55, 1970-76, and 1977-1983, when, as I understand, the school was closed down.
Any help would be well appreciated.
God bless us all.
On 19-Feb-08, at 9:14 AM, Jon Golding wrote:
Fellow Ex-inmates!
This is an excellent suggestion from Glen which I believe is the intelligent way to approach this project.
It seems from the emails are all jumping up and down in exuberance not only for Kitty but for the idea of actually doing something together for probably the first time since the e-Circulars have begun (reunions excepted).
This is great and long may it continue.
This may be the spark that is needed to keep the perpetual candle burning to keep us together in spirit.
But let's be realistic and understand that probably only a handful of us will actually DO something so the funding may not be as widespread and of sufficient quantum as we might hope or like.
Also, the longer we prepare the ground (within reason) the wider the support group we can get and the more on target we will be with our good intentions.
I may I suggest that the leader of the project give a call to Fr Cuthbert at his Yoghurt office (868-662-5286) or email him for a convenient time to talk on without disclosing the subject matter or it will become gossip in no time.
Let him hear our suggestion and let us hear his response and take his further guidance.
For all we know, Kitty may be already in
Let's get the facts first!!!
Once we know what he thinks would be appropriate we can budget the item and then see if we can meet it from our pockets.
A straw poll pledge will tell us that.
I also believe that if we are talking about the logistics of raising funds from several countries in different currencies (which is another subject) we should not forget that charity begins at home.
I believe now that we have the attention of many who were passive readers before we need to take this opportunity to fund the e-Circulars instead of assuming that Ladislao and Don will somehow take care of the hard costs of operating this service out of their own pockets and on their own TIME.
So my suggestion is that let's use the Kitty project not only for its own good intentioned purpose but to reinforce the base from which we all draw our memories and contacts and extend our relationships - the virtual Old Boys Association!Regards
Rafael EcheverrÃa
Tuesday, February 19, 2008 9:39:30 AM
Hello There!
I believe Don's reflections are worthy of being taken into consideration.
All participants mean well.
I believe the homage to Ms Marcus can be previously conveyed to her as a desire of the
She will have the opportunity to express her thoughts as to whether she would like to travel to
But I agree with Don that we must consider her age.
It is just a matter of making her enjoy life the best way possible.
She has always been such a humble human being, she has never asked - nor expected - anything in return.
All she has done in her life is GIVING and she is happy just with that.
She is an extraordinary person.
I must say I agree with Don: let us make her a part of all this.
This must be done gently, inviting her to participate with her thoughts and feelings.
Well ... I hope all goes well. I am here to contribute in whatever I can.
Love to All ! ... and Siempre Amigo !
Original message from "Don Mitchell CBE QC" <>:
Hello All,
I really hope that someone will consult with Ms Marcus first, before any plans are made.
She is over 90 years of age, and settled in to her Old Folks Home.
I do not believe she will enjoy travelling so far.
She will have no family there or friends left alive there.
I think, at her age, all she is likely to want to do is to sit quietly and have visitors from time to time.
Just my thoughts.
Keep well.
Date: Wed, 20 Feb 2008 11:00:35 +0000
Yes lets put Winston on the case.
Its about time our age group did some ripping on the Abbey harddrive.
Like you put it we have to follow-up.
I think if we are going to include the Abbot in our emails we have to add a little more Catholic sauce to our words.
Curry him-up SMILE
Original message from Glen Mckoy
You will have to get Winston Ramsahai involved he and the Abbot talks all the time, Cutty told me.
Glen just say you will coordinate with the help of the Trini section ?, which I think is Winston and Berment I think.
I don't know if we are stepping on people feet, because I don't know what is the status of the group in
Cutty did speak to me about some things.
He was quite clear, that the Abbot did speak to him when he heard what was going on, and wondered why no one was speaking to them while plans were being made.
Don't worry all is well, however we must speak to the Abbot, I am trying to get his email, we will need other favors from the Mount and the only way any thing is going to happen on the Mount is with the permission of the Abbot,
I know we will get what we want.
I think the group in
Before it seemed to be just a circular group, a once a month thing.
Now its active, its alive, thanks to our gang.
We want to be included or they could be doing the same thing they did the past 30 years.
Talk about nothing, now members read articles etc. before us what was so interesting about this so call organization. ??
Date: Wed, 20 Feb 2008 06:25:58 +0000
I will make sure to keep you in the loop.
The truth is I would feel better off with the focus off me as Kittys project leader.
Thanks for talking with Cutty.
Your Bro G#2
Original message from Glen Mckoy
I just got of the phone with Arthur Knaggs and Nigel Boos.
Arthur does not have internet at his house so when he is at his daughter he checks his email.
Anyhow I had to call our dear Fr. Cuthbert to see how everything was going and to get some comments from him.
He is happy with lots of the good things.
Fr. Cuthbert will help in any way he can, and has indicated this support to me a 100%, however Fr.Cuthbert has his boss, and that's the Abbot.
So before any thing is done we must, all of us, be able to accept the wishes of Fr. Cuthbert.
He will go to the Abbot with the idea; and who ever goes up to see him; he is sure the Abbot would like to share in making things possible, if every thing in done in a proper manner, I only look at this as a Plus Plus Plus.
Looking at the Big Picture, let grow up about things and make progress for the future. (Ladislao and Nigel, all your expenses etc. operating cost. we must help here)
With the best of intentions at all times, you’re always ready to serve,
Glen McKoy.........
Glen Mckoy
Saturday, February 23, 2008 6:51:14 AM
Is any one working on this project ?? was something arranged ?? Some of us would like to know.
I would like to go on to other projects, for example, how we can ease Ladislao expenses, and work load, if we can have a little room of our own on the Mount.
If we could have a big plaque made with all our names on it.
Is there a on going committee, we can talk to ???
I am only on this site a few months now, I really don't know much more.
Besides the Circular and List that Nigel is working on, I would like to know what, if any thing constructive has been done, in all these years by any of the other groups who have been active all these years.
Did any one else in all these years every thought of Fr.Cuthbert or Kitty, or Ladislao commitment to the Circular, it free, oh yeah, did'nt any one besides the hippies from the sixties, talk of helping the guy??
As I am new to the organization I am quietly waiting to see if the elders or whoever is going do anything.
Glen McKoy.
So now you have all the exchanges and photos.
That is for now, till the next one.
08TH0462THE, Timothy Healy
07MP0013MPRGRP, Manuel Prada and Bro. Rupert.
56PT0001PTA, Paul Tadros
08BG0014BGOSTE, Brian Goddard, Stephen Tempro
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