Saturday, 6 June 2009

Circular No 396

Newsletter for past alumni of The Abbey School, Mt. St. Benedict, Trinidad and Tobago, W.I.

Caracas, 6 of June 2009 No. 396


Dear Friends,

SECOND DAY (Saturday) of my visit to Trinidad 16th of May 2009

I am going to start this Circular with the second day of my visit to Trinidad thanks to the invitation by the Association which is in the process of being set up to take care all matters and a means to help ALUMNI, etc.

Norma´s Guesthouse, the chosen residence for my stay is complete with nearly all the necessary artifacts to make your stay comfortable. That is nearly all, because there are no working computers available, but if you brought your laptop then you could hook up to the existing wireless service.

Christopher Knowles came for me at around 09:00 to take me to a meeting with Llewellyn MacIntosh at the TROTTERS in PoS.

We spent about one hour chatting on his stay as a Teacher at the Abbey School.

Also we talked about his work in the FM radio station TALK CITY 91.1FM, close to where we met.

I was promised information on P.G. Wilson, our athletic sports teacher, also on the procurement of two CDs.

The next stop was at Alex de Verteuil´s office where we were give two CDs on a Alex de Verteuil productions, one on JAG and the other Wild Animal Life in TT. I highly recommend that you should acquire them.

The 13:00 Meeting with Committee members at Dennis Gurley's office to discuss matters relating to the proposed Association´s constitution.

The photos of the meeting are going to be inserted in a future Circular.

I was named Vice President, and was the only foreigner in the reunion.

Joseph Berment, promoter of the association.

Ladislao Kertesz, vice president.

Chistopher Knowles, secretary

Peter Sammy, finance

Dennis Gurley, attorney

The meeting was for the formation of a non-profit association, there was special wording in the document, a standard document that would allow the bylaws to be drawn up as soon as it is established.

The main concern was the name to be used, as there was the belief that Fr. Abbot would object to the use of The Abbey School anywhere in the full name.

Anyway there was the need of three names as required by the registrar, so we chose three in which we added Trinidad, as there are too many Abbey Schools around the world.

The document would name us, as the five promoters which were necessary to establish the registration, this would of course be changed by debate or votes, as soon as the bylaws and other legal procedures be drawn up.

Dennis is going to keep us informed as to the wording and the legal steps taken by next 1 of July.

Having left the reunion we again left for the Guesthouse and be ready for the 19.30 Dinner at China Palace Restaurant with many Old Boys, including some 1960 classmates.

During dinner we took some photos, I am enclosing two of them.

The following alumni attended:

Christopher Knowles

David Pampellonne

Dion Fakoory

George Laquis

Gordon Mitchell

Jon Golding

Joseph Berment

Kevin Khan

Michael Howard

Roger Farah

Roger Gioannetti

I would like to thank you for coming to the dinner, it was nice to talk to friends after so many years.

I am sorry that some of my classmates could not attend because of previous family commitments.


"GUIO, Carlos"

Wednesday, January 28, 2009 1:31:37 PM


Fue un placer hablar contigo hoy.

Acá una breve lista de algunos nombres de mis colegas del internado, todos internos entre el 74 y 79.

Te pongo el año en el cual creo que se debían graduar y califico que la ortografía de los apellidos no es perfecta ya que hablamos de hace mucho tiempo.

Como te he dicho, creo que mi hermano y yo fuimos los últimos internos de venir de extranjero y los últimos aceptados por todo el trimestre.

Todos nombres de los de arriba, vivían en Trinidad y regresaban a sus casas los viernes por la tarde y regresaban al colegio el domingo por la tarde.

Solo Luis y yo no teníamos a donde ir ya que nuestros padres estaban en Venezuela.

It was a pleasure to speak today with you.

Like I said to you, I believe that my brother and I were the last foreigner interns to come and the last ones accepted by all the trimester.

Bueno, es todo de lo que me acuerdo por ahora.



----- Forwarded Message ----------------------------------------------------------.

From: "GUIO, Carlos"

Sent: Monday, January 26, 2009 4:09:13 PM

Subject: MSBC

Hola Ladislao:

Thank you very much for responding to my note.

Indeed I read blog by accident and basically for 30 years we have not been in contact with Trinidad nor with my colleagues from the Mount.

Also I spoke today with Gabriel Faria whom we knew when we were there and has written to you a pair of electronic mails and whom I located thanks to blog.

Good, I graduated with 10 GCE's and later I entered Tulane University in New Orleans just like my brother Luis.

We graduated in Electrical engineering, I in 85 and Luis in 83.

It went bad for me ...... and I delayed longer than my little brother… but also I received a BA in Economy of Tulane in 84.

Later I received a MBA at Dowling College in Long Island, New York in 1989.

I returned to Venezuela (Maracaibo) where my parents lived in the 90s.

But I could not find a job, so I went to Colombia and I found a job in SCI (Colombian Sociedad De Informática) in Bogota.

I founded Openway and in 1995 I left Colombia going to Toronto, Canada where I live at the moment.

More details in Linkedin, you have already me in your contacts (connections of

If you want to chat, give me your telephone in Venezuela where I believe that you are and I shall call to you.

Let me know when you have time and is suitable to speak.

It is a pleasure to know you by this means and it seems to me that your work in the blog is fabulous.

The tears came to my eyes when reading what you wrote on the occasion of the death of Fr. Voosh! [Fr Benedict], he was also our professor of sciences.

On some occasion I visited his small room in the monastery and in spite of being very small, there was a small passage to reach to the window and to the bed since the rest of the space was full of all type of apparatuses from successful experiments and those that failed….

And what you wrote on the occasion of his death made me reflect much in the man, and his aspirations, his dreams and what he taught to us…

Also I saw a photo of “Cutty”, Fr Cuthbert in blog, whom we appreciate much and with whom I have not had contact since I left Trinidad.

It pleased me much to see his photo and the knowledge he is still this with us.

Good, please let me to know your tel and I shall call you to chat a little when you have time, tell me when it is advisable to call…

Saludos, un abrazo .. and God bless

Carlos A. Guío

VP Regional Sales

M: +1 416-618-1372


"GUIO, Carlos"

Tuesday, February 17, 2009 1:29:16 PM

Hola Ladislao:

Parece que me voy a encontrar con Nigel Boos este Viernes para comer Roti.

El nombre de mi esposa es Olga Melo.




Hi Ladislao:

Thank you for your e-mail.

Pls note that my brother’s e-mail is

You may include my e-mail in the circular, it is

I am attaching a zipped file with 4 photos, hopefully it is not too large a file

Thanks and best rgdrs


It’s been roughly 30 years since we have been in contact with our colleagues from the Mount.

As summary, my brother and I arrived at the Mount from Venezuela in 1974.

I went to Form 1 while my brother being younger to prep but I do not remember what was the name of the year before Form 1.

My brother was the youngest in the boarding house as he was only 9 years old when he arrived.

We are from Colombia but our parents lived in Venezuela and as such we were known as the “Venezuelans” as we were the only ones from Venezuela at the time.

Joe Berment received us as he was a prefect in the boarding house.

He was also at some point the scout master.

We also knew Gabriel Faria who I saw wrote a few times in the blog.

My brother Luis (his e-mail is, left the Mount in 1977 and I left in 1979.

That is to say, he spent 3 years and I, 5years.

There was fame of the “Venezuelans” in the Mount and we were the last ones, We also I believe, we were the last of the Venezuelans.

At the time the boarding house had only locals,

My brother and I were the only boarders from abroad and did not have a home to go to on weekends as everyone else.

In fact I believe I may have been the last of the foreign boarders as I believe shortly after 1979 the boarding house was closed altogether to students but I cannot be sure that is the case.

Both Fr “Voosh” (Benedict) and Fr Cuthbert were our teachers.

Fr Cuthbert (Cutty) was in charge of the boarding house during the entire time I was there.

I completed my GCE’s and then went on to Tulane University in New Orleans LA, USA .

Both my brother and I received Engineering degrees from Tulane. Luis in 1983 and I in 1985.

In 1989 I received an MBA from Dowling College in New York.

I returned to Venezuela (Maracaibo) in 1990 but could not find work so I went to Colombia where I found work in Bogota at SCI (Sociedad Colombiana De Informática).

In 1995 I left Colombia and moved to Toronto, Canadá where I currently live.

More details can be found in Andres Carlos A. Guio S.

As per our last conversation, below is a list of some of the boarders that I remember.

All were there sometime between 1974 and 1979.

I wrote the year in which I believe they were to graduate next to their names but this is by no means meant to be accurate as it has been a very long time.

Also the spelling may not be accurate either for the same reason.

Joe Berment (77 I think)

Xxxx Guerra (78)

Ricardo Mitchell (78)

Apple Rampersadsing (78, I believe he may have died in Hawai in 2007)

Xxx Greenaway (78 and I also believe he may have passed away many years ago in New York )

Annand Rampersadsing (Apple’s brother)

Joseph Mayuen (78)

Dennis Knox (78)

Adrian Chandler (78) and his twin brother Allan

Feerahim Ali (77)

Roger Thomas (79)

Abdul Raftman Kent Hudson Phillips (80)

Gabriel Faria (77)

Poolool (77 this was his nick name and I do not remember his name)

Christopher Knox (78)

Alan Harris (80)

Keith Permui (81)

Wayne Hackett (78)

Stephen Hackett (77)

Luis Guio (80), my brother…, he did not graduate from the Mount as he went to the US in 77

Ronald Coutts (79)

Harold Stauble (79)

Gerry Staubles (81)

Rory Pasea (79)

Robert McClean (80)

Richard Lawrence (79)

Roger Lawrence (80)

Anthony Pasea (79)

Frank Kennel (77)

Robert Carlin (79 who died from a motor bike accident around 1976)

All names of those of above, lived in Trinidad and returned to their houses Fridays in the evening and returned to the school Sunday in the evening.

Luis and I did not only have to where going since our parents were in Venezuela.

If I remember correctly, the school’s name was The Abbey School, Mount Saint Benedict and its name was changed to Mount Saint Benedict Comprehensive sometime around 1977.

I remember this because we had the Blue letters MSBC added to the shirt pocket of our uniform sometime then.

Finally I am attaching a couple of pictures of me and one where I appear with my wife. I do not have electronic pictures of the Mount nor of my brother at this time.

Best rgdrs

Carlos A. Guío

VP Regional Sales


Wow !!!

Thanks for this Paul!

Yes I remember Marlon and Jobie . . . and ….. Luis also just just told me about the Toco story that I do not remember.

We must do a lime so other time when you are available and also if Marlons and Jobie…. Richard Lawrence are available then that would be great.

Ladislao… Nigel…

Do you see what you have done..

Thanks and best rgdrs



From: Paul Dewan []

Sent: February 17, 2009 4:57 PM

Hey Carlos,

It was great to speak to you today.

I would like to attend the roti lime on Friday, however my nephew and his family are visiting from Winnipeg this week and I was planning to take them to Niagara on Friday so I am not sure.

We will keep in touch nevertheless.

I remember you and Luis very well.

I am sure that we have all changed over the years.

As a matter of fact Luis was one of the guys in my room...remember the pods of rooms??

I am not sure if you remember this, but one weekend I took you and Luis to Toco with my family.

While there we went to pick coconuts, you climbed the tree but was unable to twist it off.

I tried handing you the cutlass but could not reach so I lifted Luis up with cutlass in his hand...still no success.

Then I foolishly tried sticking the cutlass into a piece of wood but it slipped off and cut my finger so badly it required stitches.......we had to go to the emergency at Sangre Grande Hospital that night and did not get back to Toco until very late into the night....may have been after midnight.

Remember Marlon Da Silva? (I have copied him on this email). He lives in Hamilton .

Also Richard Lawrence lives in Whitby ..I think.



(H) 416-365-6186


From: "GUIO, Carlos"

Date: Tue, 17 Feb 2009 14:58:28 -0500

Paul Dewan !!!!!!!

I certainly remember your name well…………

Sadly I can’t seem to get in my head what you look like so I sure hope you join us for Roti on Friday!.

Best rgdrs

Carlos Guio

From a very long time ago at the Mount

416 618 1372

905 274 6790


From: Nigel P. Boos []

Sent: February 17, 2009 2:33 PM


It was wonderful chatting with you, and when I realise that, as you said, you and your brother are the last of the Venezuelans to attend school at the Mount I feel that you are a strong link in a mighty strong chain of fine young men with whom we Trinis have been privileged to spend some years "in formation".

I am excited at the thought of meeting you, and I want to extend an invitation to you to join a few of us for a roti on Friday February 20th at 6.30 p.m. at ROTILICIOUS, 89 Commercial Ave., Ajax (Ph: 905-686-8070).

Since I can't handle the bill for everyone, I hope it's agreed that we'll look after our bills individually.

Now, you raised the question of inviting your wife, and I hadn't given that idea much thought, but I believe that would be wonderful, and therefore YES! Please invite her to join us as well.

To all you other fellas to whom this invitation has previously been sent –

I'm sorry if I hadn't considered this sufficiently beforehand, but why not!

Let's invite our spouses to come along as well.

Please extend an invitation to them all.

Rotilicious also has a fully-stocked bar and a liquor license, but I would caution everyone not to drink and drive, and perhaps to make arrangements for one only, of each couple, to have a drink, so that the other can drive back home afterwards.

To those who do not own a GPS system, here's the directions:

401 East Salem Rd. S.

Turn RIGHT at the first traffic light ( Achilles Rd. ) Drive to the end, until it intersects with Harwood Ave.

When it is safe to do so, drive DIRECTLY ACROSS Harwood Ave. on to Station Rd. W.

Turn LEFT on to Commercial Ave.

Rotilicious is #89 Commercial Ave. about 300 yards from the Station Rd. corner, on the left hand side of the road.

See you soon.



On 17-Feb-09, at 1:34 PM, GUIO, Carlos wrote:

Hi Nigel:

Thank you for sending a couple of e-mails to me.

As you may be aware I went to the Mount between 1974 and 1979.

Ladislao ( Laszlo) asked me provide a recap of my time there and below you may find the English version of my earlier e-mails to him and which I understand maybe of interest.

I also see that you are in Canada , is that correct?

I live in Port Credit ( Mississauga ), Pls let me know where you are as I may be able to have some coffee or a pint with you.

It would be nice to speak to someone else who passed through the Mount in their youth.

Hopefully, the zipped file is not too large for your e-mail.

Thanks and best rgdrs,


C: 416 618 1372

H: 905 274 6790


So now you have all the exchange and photos.

That is for now, till the next one



09CG2522CGUFAM, Carlos Guio and wife.

09CG1850CGU, Carlos Guio.

09LK1773TTVISITDINNER, Jon Golding and George Laquis.

09LK1776TTVISITDINNER, Ladislao Kertesz, Michael Howard, Joseph Berment and George Laquis.

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