Saturday, 22 August 2009

Circular No 407

Newsletter for past alumni of The Abbey School, Mt. St. Benedict, Trinidad and Tobago, W.I.

Caracas, 22 of August 2009 No. 407


Dear Friends,

A little round up on Salvador´s trip to Montreal and Toronto.

An email from Humberto Luongo and Ian Gomes.


Coming to Toronto

Nigel P. Boos

Thursday, April 16, 2009 8:02:50 AM


Welcome to Montreal.

According to our records, there are 5 Old Boys of MSB who live in Quebec, and to whom I'm copying this email.

If they are able to do so, perhaps they can try to get together with you to say "Hello" and have a beer.

I'm also attaching some notes which have been sent in over the last few years about them.

These notes will provide some useful early information about each one, to assist you, and them, in establishing links and in overcoming any early awkwardness which might otherwise occur through unfamiliarity with one another.

Although it would help to have the telephone numbers for everyone, I'm afraid that this is all I have.

Good luck to you in your effort to meet the OB's

Alain Devaux St. Hyacinthe. (Ph: 450-773-4652)

1954 to 1959 - worked for banks as a teller in Martinique and in Canada (Montreal)

1959 to 1962 - Went to McGill University (Macdonald College) for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Agriculture

1964 - Graduated for a degree of Master of Science with a specialisation in Plant Pathology.

1964 to 1966 - Worked for Agriculture Canada as a Plant Protection officer in Montreal.

1966 - Got married in Montreal

1966 to 1997 - Worked as a research scientist in plant pathology for the Department of Agriculture of Quebec (Canada) at Saint-Hyacinthe.

1997 up to date - I retired and still living at Saint-Hyacinthe, Qc.

I have three children:

Gilles, the eldest, is a priest for his 12th year;

Céline is a doctor specialising in haematology and finishing this year; and

Angèle is also a doctor specialising in ophthalmology finishing in about two years from now.

Raymond Devaux Montreal. Grad. 1950/51

Thank you very much for your card which I only received today because I did not open my e-mails since I left Florida for Montreal on December 18.

I also wish you a very happy year and a lot of good health.

I looked for my Cambridge certificate but I am unable to find it, however, I believe that I graduated in 1950 or 1951.

I do not remember too many of my classmates.

Some of them are: Dr Hamelin, Desmond Rostant (Died a few years ago), Phillip Nassief from Dominica, Leary & Richard O’Connor, now living in Australia, Crompton DuBoulay from St Lucia.

It was a small class of about 12.

Others who were also in form 5a or 5b were Arthur Knaggs, now living in Halifax, Phillip Scott (Also died),

Trevor Evelyn (who was a very fast short-run runner), Ronney Lambkin (now living in Halifax), Peter Ferguson.

As you can see we were among the first students at Mt St Benedict.

I remember I loved mathematics and therefore was very close to Fr Paul who taught maths, I was the first and only student at the time to take higher mathematics at school.

I also became a King scout under the guidance of Fr Ildephonse.

I saw my brother, Patrick, who told me that he was very happy to have received your news, he told me that he left in 1960 so he knows many of the people that are mentioned.

I do not have pictures since at that time cameras were not too common.

I do have one when we were in Tobago, sitting in the back of an open small jitney with Brother Anthony and a few students.

I will try to find it and send it to you.

John Miller Quebec City Grad. 1949

J.D.Miller was an old boy of MSB.

He was in the same class as John Darwent 1944/45 Do not remember much of the older students they did not associate much with us young Bucks.

Salah Wilson Montreal Grad. 1970 (Ph: 514-696-7307)

First I would like to submit a name of one of my good friends who started with me.

We grew up together and was my best friend ...but he passed on...his name Anthony Cedeno 1963-1969...

He passed on in 1991 (May he Rest in Peace) Two other guys who started with me (Franklin Chin, Ronald Billouin) I would like to know their whereabouts.

No one knows D.D.O.( which is on the outskirts of Montreal), but my steelpan business is in you may state that I am indeed from Montréal. Secondly I am an author and proud Steelpan Activist ..."Salah" Wilson was not my actual name in school but it is the name that I prefer to be called and also my Pen name as an author.

Some of my steelpan text books are now being used in the public school's curriculum in Trinidad & Tobago.

Back in school I was called "Willy” short for Wilson (my surname).

I will send more stuff of other guys who were there with me.

I am also going to try to get in touch with some of the guys I see on the list.......

Geoffrey Xavier Montreal Grad. 1958

I am Geoffrey Xavier Class of 1958 No 16 in Photo.

Thanks for getting in touch with me.

I never knew such an ALUMNI existed.

Congratulations and thanks for all the good work you have put into this.

I am now visiting the numerous circulars and enjoying them tremendously.

I have a photo of the Class of 1958 and could now put names to the familiar faces I see.

Sorry for not being able to help you with the 1980's ALUMNI.

This is way after my time at the Abbey. You can contact me at E-mail address

Thanks once again.

Nigel P. Boos


On 15-Apr-09, at 11:10 PM, Salvador Coscarart wrote:

Hello Nigel,

Yes I am going to arrive in Montréal on June the 2nd.

I will let you know with a date as to when I’ll be in Toronto but yes that will be very nice to meet with some of you guys over there and if you can give me some phone numbers of old boys in Montréal

I will call them as well to see if I can meet with them as well.

I am really looking forward on meeting some of them.

Best wishes and see you soon.



Date: Wed, 15 Apr 2009 20:02:16 -0400

Ola, Salvador.

I'm trying to plan a get-together for you to meet with some of the OB's from MSB, during your pending visit to Toronto.

Of course, this also will give us a chance t meet one another, since we so seldom get an opportunity to do so.

However, in order to make concrete plans, would you please let us have some definite idea as to when you plan to be here?

I look forward to meeting you.

Happy Easter.



On 17-Feb-09, at 1:34 PM,

You guys keep calling names and my ears prick up.

That's exactly what I was hoping would happen.

Some point of interest would spark a memory . . . and another . . . and another . . . and soon we'd have contacted every last living OB from MSB.

And then we could really try to draw people together. Fantastic!

Now, help me here:



Richard Lawrence in Whitby? (That's next door to Ajax).

Tell me more? Any email addresses?

Now, let me introduce you fellas to another OB - but from my era this time.

Dr. Roger Lee Kam (Class of 1960) came to my attention in mid-2008, but I forgot to include him (mea culpa, me culpa, mea maxima culpa, Roj) in my Address Book as a member of the subset "Abbey School - Toronto".

I've corrected that oversight now, however, so allow me to introduce you to my friend and classmate, who I hope will grace us with his presence at the Friday "Roti Night" (details below, Roj) together with his wife.

ROTILICIOUS - 89 Commerce Ave., Ajax, @ 6.30 pm. (Ph: 905-686-8070)

Roger, please consider this a formal invitation to join a few of the Old Boys from MSB and their wives for a delicious roti and a drink in Ajax.

I sure would like to see you again, so do try to make it.

Nigel P. Boos


From: Humberto Luongo (

Sent: Sat 8/22/09 9:26 PM

Hola Ladislao,

He estado siempre pendiente de vernos pero desafortunadamente no se ha podido...

te felicito por el trabajo de integración que pretendes - y estas logrando -hacer con los ex-alumnos de the abbey school at mount saint benedict...

las disímiles ocupaciones que todos tenemos , las enormes distancias que nos separan , a veces o siempre ,y la faltas de sincronización o de tiempo para las reuniones conspiran contra la voluntad de acercarnos ...

Yo guardo, entre los tesoros de mi corazón, hermosos e inolvidables recuerdos de Mount.

Recibe mis saludos y un fuerte abrazo

Hello Ladislao,

I have been always pending to see us but it has unfortunately not been possible…

I congratulate you for the work of integration that you try - and these managing - to make with the ex--students of the abbey school at mount saint Benedict…

The dissimilar occupations that all we have, the enormous distances that separate to us, sometimes or always, and it lack of synchronization or time for the meetings conspire against the will to approach to us…

I keep, between the treasures of my heart, beautiful and unforgettable memories of mount.

He receives my greetings and a strong hug


Ian, this is what, its all about, thanks for this email, you guys could not do no more, than bringing laughter to the brother's face,



Date: Thu, 11 Jun 2009 17:29:12 -0700



Just a little note to let you know that Keith (Puggy) Allen, Kieron Pierre, Desmond "Tucu" De Nobreiga, and I visited Michael (Chow) today.

We reached there at about 11.45 am and left at 5.30 pm. during the afternoon we were joined by Ray Assing.

He had an all fours session that went from about 12.30 and went on to around 4.00 pm or later.

The old talk was enough for another few months.

Tucu is a natural.

He says that Kieron's parents vaccinated him with a gramophone when he was a child that's why he talks so much. HEEE!

The reason I’m really writing was to say that Mike is improving.

The cancer was small and doctors say they removed all.

He now has to recover for the next 3 months before he can have chemotherapy.

Chemo will be for 6 months thereafter.

Mike played some all fours for a while and rested on a bed on the porch while we continued our old talk nonstop.

He never complained about the jokes although I'm sure after a while he wanted to stop laughing.

I hope we cheered him up.

Before we left we all said a prayer, lead by Ray, for mike.

He seemed very happy with the visit.

Laterz Bro



Glen Mckoy

Wednesday, May 28, 1:33:58 PM

Hello Gangar,

How yuh doing man ?? Hope all is well, and is life treating you good.

All the guys you could remember is here and present.

Drop us a few lines, some stories you remember.

Last week Rico Beekhoo called me, he don't use the internet, that guy remember a lot of stuff, and had me laughing man, to funny.

We need to contact Nathaniel Sampath, and any other brothers you are in contact with.

I am sending this to Aziz, he lives in your area.

Best regards, and good to hear from yuh brother,

Glen McKoy


Nigel P. Boos

Wednesday, May 28, 11:25:18 AM


You do not know me, but we have a common connection as Old Boys of Mt. St. Benedict.

Krishna Toolsie has contacted you today and has given me your email address, and for that I am grateful.

We, the Old Boys, under the leadership of Ladislao Kertesz (Class of 60) in Venezuela, are trying to develop a database of the past students of the Abbey School, which we routinely publish via email, and month by month it is growing and improving.

I attach herewith the current database for your information, and I hope you will find it
useful in contacting any of your old friends from the Mount.


Sent: Mon 9/29/08 9:33 PM

Estimado ladislao

Román ha fallecido y George también el miembro mas viejo de la familia seria la esposa de Román, Edelmira o mi padre Andrés Prypchan que tiene 61 años de edad"


Sent: Sun 1/25/09 2:45 AM

Hi, this is Mary Gioannetti, Gerard's daughter.

He went to that boarding school for about 10 years and he's 65 years old but he has no clue about how to use the internet.

So if you have an questions about him I can help you out so you can contact him.



Till the next one.


Ladislao Kertesz,

So now you have all the exchange and photos.


09SC2973SCOGRP, Alloy Garner, David Johnson, Salvador Coscarart and Paul Dewan.

09SC0001SCOGRP, Cornel de Freitas, Nigel Boos and Salvador Coscarart

56CJ0001TUGWAR, UNKNOWN and Csaba Jakobszen ready for Tug War

09LK1771TTVISIT, Roger Gioannetti, Christopher Knowles and Michael Howard.

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