Newsletter for past alumni of The Abbey School, Mt. St. Benedict, Trinidad and Tobago, W.I.
Dear Friends,
A new comer, KEVAN TORRY, thanks to Attila Gyuris.
Please use to send information and photos.
1 Oct 2009
From: Attila GYURIS
Hello Kevan:
How did you find me? Are you getting the MSB old boy circulars?
Thanks for contacting me.
I often wondered whatever happened to you too.
You certainly remember me well.
You are all correct, about my Hungarian parents via Venezuela .
Yes I also remember you very well.
You used to wear glasses, didn't you?.
Your father was a pilot also wasn't he?
I remember you telling me stories about your dad flying the DC-3.
One time, during study hall high up on the 4th floor in the center of the main school building, we were sitting next to each other, and we were talking about aviation.
Next you wrote down the aviation phonetic alphabet.
You knew it all by heart, which impressed me greatly.
When I wasn't hiking in the bush up to the White Stones plinking with my air rifle,
I used to sit in the center window up there just under the cross (see .doc photo attached) and make paper airplanes and see how far I got them to fly out into the distance.
That was until I got royally chewed out by Bobo for littering the hillside.
I also remember you cousin Michael, who was blond and did not look like you at all.
In fact look in the attached .jpg image at the blond kid half covered behind Azar with the frying pan, isn't that your cousin Michael Torry?
I guess, indeed, our career paths have been parallel as far as the aviation part goes. Somehow I just knew that you would end up as a professional pilot.
I guess my gut feeling wasn't wrong
Impressive all the equipment you have and are still flying.
Quite a varied career you've had.
Sorry to hear about the "selective" layoff you had from BWIA.
I am guessing you guys didn't have a strong union to protect your rights.
But such is life in the airlines.
Back in 86' I also got furloughed from USAir.
Never went back when they recalled me 2 years later.
By then I was already employed in the federal gov't as a special agent /pilot and that's where I stayed.
Now, with the economy being what it is, I am very glad I did. I am lucky to have locked in a quite nice retirement and all the benefits that go with being a former fed..
Although I flew the B727 and B737 with USAir early in my career, I do not fly any airline-size aircraft anymore.
I fly the small and manoeuvrable stuff with which we can do the missions at any altitude and land almost anywhere we need to. (currently I am checked out as Capt. in the Citations, King Airs, & Sikorsky UH60 and Eurocopter helicopters).
I also fly missions in the MQ-9 Reaper, but I am not allowed to say anymore than that on those.
Next I will be getting checked out in the Pilatus PC-12.
All our Sim and flight training is done either with the military or with Flight Safety Int'l.
Unless it is hard IFR, we seldom even file a flight plan; just use the Sat Track with home base.
Almost like having your company assigned car and the gas credit card (& body armour and all the guns & ammo we need), except it is an airplane or a helicopter.
I can tell you that I have really have been enjoying it for the last 25 years.
It will all come to an end on 31 Dec 2010, at the end of next year, when I will be up for an early retirement incentive.
Now I have the Dyn Corp people courting me to go work for them as a contract pilot. We'll see.
Sorry to hear about your separation after so many years of marriage.
That is always hard, both emotionally and financially.
However pilots have always been known for having multiple wives (mainly consecutively).
All those long trips away from home don't make for good family life.
Sometimes I think it is cheaper when you meet you future ex-wife to just give them your house and belongings up front instead of marrying them. : - )
Yet I can see that those Venezuelan beauties have got a hold on you.
I can definitely understand that.
My wife is also Latina Americana, from Quito .
What part of the US are you domiciled? Florida ?
Or are you living full time in Abu Dhabi ?
Keep in touch,
Un abrazo y Muchos saludos,
Attila Gyuris
On Thu, 10/1/09, Kevan Torry <> wrote:
From: Kevan Torry
Date: Thursday, October 1, 2009, 12:57 AM
Hi Attila,
I'm ex MSB and was there about the time you were.
Was there from about 63 to 66 and believe I remember you, were you of Hungarian background from Venezuela .
I was born in Venezuela of Trini parents and was a boarder; used to hang out with the Venezuelans and the Trinis as I was fully bilingual at the time (my Spanish is still OK but not perfect).
Had two cousins there Michael Torry, who was my age and Ronnie Torry who was older.
Reason I am contacting you is that our career paths followed similar lines, except for the law enforcement part.
Currently in Abu Dhabi where I am flying the Airbus 330-200 and the A340-500 and 600 series on worldwide routes.
Used to fly for BWIA in Trinidad until the government reorganized the company and selectively terminated pilots in 2007, was very political.
Flew the Boeing 707, DC9, MD83, L1011, HS 748, Boeing 737 NG and the Airbus 340-300.
Was captain on all except the 707 and L1011.
I'm separated now after being married for 28 years, the ex is a Trini whose mother is from Maracaibo and my current girlfriend is from Margarita, guess I can't keep away from my Venezuelan roots .
Have three children Charles 27, doing his Masters in Miami after getting laid off; Michelle 26, getting her Doctorate in Physiotherapy in Jacksonville ; and Diana 23, Sports Management in Cincinnati working for the Cincinnati Reds.
Hope all is well with you.
Kevan Torry
American Boys ...1 oct 2009
From: Elspeth O'Connor
I was wondering that now your subscription is so far and wide whether you could ask if anyone knows the names of the three American Boys who were at Mount St. Benedict with Richard in the early years.
All Richard can remember is that they were called Tom, Dick (Richard) and Harry and their father was at the American Base in Wallerfield and he, the father, took pictures of the College from an aeroplane, which were among the first to be taken and published of the College.
Now with Facebook, Twitter etc. (none of which I understand or am a member of) you may be able to find out some history about the Mount if you can discover their surnames.
Cheers. Elspeth
From: "Elspeth O'Connor"
Date: 23 Nov 04:30 (PST)
I note from one of the recent circulars that I was one of the earliest at Mount.
I think I was there before 1945 as I was there during the war years and there before the College started to be built.
I think I was the 13th boarder and that included the seminarians.
Have you been able to make contact with the American boys, Tom, Dick and Harry whose father was the commander at Wallerfield during the war?
Keep up the good work.
Richard O'Connor
Desmond is here at the moment visiting his children but he still lives in Trinidad .
Not sure of his address there but if I can, I will try and tell him you are looking for him.
----- Original Message -----
Dear Leary and Gillian
No such luck, Circulars have been sent but with my trying to automatize I still am loosing contact.
Although I am late on some, but trying to catch up.
Same good wishes for this Xmas and a Happy New Year that I hope would be with lots of health.
Did Desmond Littlepage move to Perth ???
I have no news of his whereabouts, can you help??
God Bless
Glad you are back on board.
We missed your circulars and thought you may have gone on strike or got fed up with the job.
Happy Christmas to you and your family and all the best
Leary & Gillian
From: Gillian O'Connor
Thanks for all the Mount News during the year.
Keep up the good work.
Leary says that everyone in his year must be too old as there's no news of that era.
He does not help by not sending something but maybe in the New Year.
Leary & Gillian
Did not see Desmond while he was in Perth but his daughter says his email address is
Guess that would be the best way to contact him.
Hope this helps.
Good to get your news although everyone seems years younger!
...29 sep 2009
From: Attila GYURIS
Hi Salah:
I remember your mom, Matron Wilson, very well.
Very sweet and wise lady.
I used to have long conversations with her while she sewed up a button or something for me, or just to pass the time.
At that time, her sewing room was on the third floor in the main building in the middle between the Form III-I Form V dormitory on the West wing and the Form V cubicles on the East wing.
Although more than likely she won't remember me, please give her a big hug for me.
Attila Gyuris
Sunday, February 10, 2008 12:29:31 AM
Estimado Amigo Cheche:
Thank you for writing.
Sorry for the delay in writing back.
I was gone on a trip and I didn’t want to rush my response.
Yes I remember you quite well, especially when you were playing the base guitar up on the stage at the Refectory with the rock band.
All the Venezuelan boys were proud of you.
We had one of our own up there!
Of course I also remember Norman Smith playing rhythm guitar.
Then also you were in Scouts.
I remember you a somewhat blond curly hair.
I also remember that you always treated the younger boys very fairly and you were not a bully at all.
You might not remember me because we were in different periods.
You were older and I was still 10 years old when I started at the Mount in1964 .
At that age even a few years mean a world of difference in friends and interests.
I think one tends to remember the boys who were at one’s same level or older.
I remember very few of the kids who were in classes below me, but quite well those who were at the same or higher classes.
It’s a matter or perspective.
I was friends with Raul Leoni and his group at the time.
Also with your younger brothers Leo and Javier although I would have a hard time distinguishing them now.
I stayed until Form V in 1969 and you left way before that in 1967, so again, that is one more reason not to remember me.
In any case, it is good to reconnect with you after all these years.
A little about me.
In an earlier circular I had sent my bio, but here is a summary.
After a circuitous route as a Military Officer and as a graduate Chemical Engineer in the 70’s and an Airline Pilot for US Air in the early 80’s, I finally got it together made career as a Federal Criminal Investigator for a US Federal Agency.
My title is Senior Special Agent / Pilot at a grade equivalent of a Lt. Colonel.
Among other things, I fly helicopters and airplanes in the course of tactical law enforcement missions for the government.
I have been doing this for over 23 years and have had a good ride, went everywhere, did far too many things.
My latest thing is that I am getting geared up to pilot the Predator B MQ-9 in Homeland Security missions.
I live in California , not Florida , but occasionally I have work in FL, so when I do I will certainly look you up.
Regarding anecdotes from the Mount, I can certainly provide you with a few for your Mount Chronicles project.
Just let me know what kind you need.
I have quite a few “snapshots” in my head about stuff that happened while there.
Some of it might not have coincided with your time at the Mount, as most of my real good anecdotes are from the time after you left the Mount, since I was bigger by then, and was not as afraid of to get in trouble with Bobo and Cutty. (Although I was always fearful of pissing off Fr. Theo or Rughead.)
Cheche, what kind of law do you practice in FL?
I know you are an attorney in Venezuela .
Do you have the Florida Bar also?
Bueno, hasta la proxima amigo,
Attila Gyuris
Now to the photos.
Ladislao Kertesz,
So now you have all the exchanges and photos.
69AG0001SCOUTCAMPTREE, Tree houses built by scouts
67AG0010SCOUTCAMPFC, Camp activities
68AG0010SCOUTCAMPCH, Camp activities
66NB0001SCOUTSIVER, Newspaper article on awards to five scouts
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