Saturday, 3 October 2009

Circular No 413

Newsletter for past alumni of The Abbey School, Mt. St. Benedict, Trinidad and Tobago, W.I. 
Caracas, 3 of October 2009 No.413
Dear Friends,
Here is to our Ambassador in the Americas. You might have read the different reports from the Roving Ambassador‏, Salvador Coscarart, as is this Circular.
By now he must have met over 50 oldboys since we started to publish his travels.
So here is more on his latest trips.
Date: Mon, 17 Aug 2009 17:00:01 -0500 
Hello guys,
Here are some photos of my trip to Florida and meeting with some of the abbey old boys, Antonio Zanella and Sarkis Farchakh, Antonio Mezzana, Neil Charles, and David De Castro.
It was a very pleasant trip. Specially meeting an old abbey boy from 1944 David De Castro, very outstanding and great guy and great cook (the calypso bandit).
Well God bless you all and best wishes.
From: Nigel P. Boos (
Sent: Tue 8/18/09 1:38 PM 
You are truly amazing.
You seem to have made it your life's mission to meet every single one of the Old Boys of MSB, at whatever functions, whenever and wherever it takes place.
If there's no function upcoming, you arrange to meet the guys.
And by your solitary effort, you are doing wonders to keep us old fellas together, in spirit if not in person.
Thank you very much for the generous gift of your time and funds to do whatever you do.
Long may it continue. I hereby nominate you for the exclusive title of "Roving Ambassador".
Hey, would you mind identifying the guys in the photographs you took recently?
Thanks, my friend.
From: laszlo kertesz  
Dear Nigel,
Good for you, you have taken on a new obligation; it is good to have lots of free time.
So now you have the list to update.
The brochure of the years at MSB, and now the individual curriculum.
500 OB x 1 page = 500 pages. Good Luck
When we talked from Gabriel’s home, you told the Association that you were going into business with your wife and that time was at premium, and could not take up the work offer to run the "webpage" or whatever.
Or to be the director or president of the North America branch of the Association.
I feel Nigel that you can do what we asked you to do in cooperation with the Association, but I believe that it is not the type of work that you like to do.
Now if you are looking for something bigger then I can tell you that a "webpage" can be fulfilling and you can work up something even bigger than Kazim´s.
Not only keep track of all the old boys, but organize the infrastructure that the Association needs.
Like when we talked from TT I feel that you are the guy.
Why don’t you take the challenge, I am sure that it could be fruitful and everlasting (history wise).
I shall back your efforts with the Circular, one less worry for you, just as I am doing with Don.
Think about it, Nigel
God Bless
From: Nigel P. Boos
Sent: Thursday, August 13, 2009 6:53:07 AM
Subject: Life After Mount 
I am trying to pull together a Powerpoint presentation which would dedicate 1 page to each of the Old Boys of MSB, but for this to happen, I really need your help, and I'm coming to you to ask for it.
I am asking, specifically, for everyone to send me a recent photograph of yourself together with a short summary of your "Life After Mount", sufficient to fit into the space shown on the attached presentation, with a font size of Calibri 14.
Closing date for submissions: September 14, 2009
Thanks in advance for your kind interest and involvement.
Nigel P. Boos 
From: salvador coscarart (
Sent: Tue 6/30/09 2:53 AM 
Hello guys.
Today I had the pleasure of meeting two abbey old boys from the 19 40's.
Mr Dave De Castro, known as his phone number in Florida is 727-785-6824.  
Living now in Florida and Mr. Joe Mekdeffie living in New Orleans.
Mr Joe’s phone numbers are 504-234-9822 cell and home is 504-353-8470.
So I will try to have a little reunion with this old boys an as well with Rudy Polderman that leaves in Slidell, Louisiana and Donald Goddard in Baton Rouge.
As soon as I have a date I will let you know.
Regards to all.
From: salvador coscarart (
Sent: Tue 6/30/09 2:20 AM 
Hello Dave.
It sure was a very pleasant surprise to have received your call.
I appreciated very much.
It is great to hear from the abbey old boys regardless the age difference, because we all went through the same and lived the life of the mount saint Benedict abbey school.
The next time I go visit my brother Pedro I will most definitely go visit you.
And I will call you in advance.
Well have a great week and you can call me anytime.
God bless
Salvador Coscarart  
Salvador Coscarart
Saturday, March 15, 2008 11:47:06 AM 
Hello Paul.
It has been a very long time.
I know you probably don't remember me, but I do remember you, because in many occasions I rode with you and Bernard Lange in you little car (Triumph black in colour) to Mayaro and Manzanilla beach.
I also from the sports field, I use to hitch rides and you stop to pick me up.
You were the head prefect of the school I can't remember if it was before Nevil Tinea or after, but I do remember another prefect that was Cecil Camacho he was in charge of the dormitories and he was always shouting from his room for us to go to sleep jejejejej, we gave him hell.
Specs was another one of the prefects, Gabe Batiste another prefect.
Anyway I never made it to be a prefect but I accomplish to be in charge of the infirmary and took care of the sick after the nurse that was there left.
I also remember the maître that used to mend our clothes.
Oh yes Copeland was another prefect.
My brother Pedro became head prefect in 72&73, and he always used me as an example when it became to punishment.
I couldn't do anything because he always blame me jajajajaj I wonder why?
Bernard Lange (rosita) as we used to call him, he was a prefect as well.
And he used to swim with the Aqualads also.
Any way I wish you a safe and very healthy future, thank you for being a good head prefect and friend.
God bless
Salvador Coscarart. Abbey boy 67-74. 
Aubrey George and Chris Hachity
From: Nigel P. Boos  
Great stuff.
Thank you, Peter, for your persistence, as a result of which we've "caught" another Old Boy.
I shall be in direct touch with Chris from here on, but once again, thank you very much for your help.
On 18-Aug-09, at 8:14 AM, Peter Boos wrote: 
Good news.
Chris Hadchity has contacted me-262-6880.
He was indeed at MSB from 60-63.
His e-mail is
He says Freddie George did not go to Mount.
On Jul 31, 2009, at 8:54 AM, Nigel P. Boos wrote: 
Would you mind asking these guys if they ever went to school at the Mount?
If so, and if they have email addresses, would they mind sharing them with me?
On 31-Jul-09, at 8:55 AM, Peter Boos wrote: 
Hi Nigel,
I do not recognise those names.
You may mean Chris Hadchity-432-0222 (whom I know) and Aubrey Choy-425-9507 or Freddie George-418-4150 (both of whom I also know) ?
On Jul 31, 2009, at 7:42 AM, Nigel P. Boos wrote: 
I'm trying to track down 2 Old Boys of Mt. St. Benedict, by the names of Aubrey George (Class of 1953/4 ?) and Chris Hachity (Class of 74), and I have reason to believe that they came from Barbados and may still be living on the island.
Would you mind checking the telephone directory for B'dos and letting me know whether these names appear there.
I'd like to try and find these guys, to complete the OB Database I'm working on, and I'm hoping to get a valid email address for them, if such exists.
Thanks for your kind help.
From: "Salvador Coscarart"   
Date: Fri, 9 Feb 2007 22:07:55 -0600 
Hola como estas,
Pues yo aquí todavía en el golfo trabajando.
Una sorpresa te tengo.
Hoy hable con ENRIQUE ZANELLI.
Te acuerdas de el, bueno aquí te doy sus teléfonos para que lo llames, vive en Houston.
Casa en Houston teléfono # 281-492-3480 y su celular # 281-748-0084, y su oficina # 281-646-8080, y su email es =
Bueno como ves como son las cosas, el otro día yo te había preguntado si sabias algo de Zanelli y mira la casualidad esta, increible.
Bueno este correo se los mando a Uds. dos ya que había hablado con ambos de yo venir a trabajar.
Un abraso
Ps /. Bueno decidí madarselo a todos los Abbey boys con los que tengo contacto,
Un abraso a todos.
From: "Trinity College" <>
Subject: RE: MSBWalkin Champ
Date: Fri, 7 Mar 2003 17:28:23 -0400  
Hi Salvador,
Really good to hear from you!
Of course I remember you. You were the classic case of the student who emulates his teacher.
Did you ever Walk after leaving MSB?
I too have been reading a lot through the work being done by Ladislao.
I did see the photograph you talked about! I saw Colm recently.
Do you know that he entered politics?
He is now the Minister responsible for Health in Trinidad & Tobago!
Rene Villafana I see sometimes, he now manages his father’s business in St James.
I did meet Glen Mc Coy about a year ago at the Airport. He, too, lives abroad.
Really good hearing from you.
For all this I must thank John Giannetti, it was he who included my name on the MSB web news!
Hasta, luego
Mac Intosh.  
-----Original Message--------------------------------------------
From: Salvador Coscarart []
Sent: Thursday, March 06, 2003 5:17 PM
Subject: MSBWalkin Champ  
Dear Mr: Mac Intosh
It has been a very long time since I left Mount St. Benedict,
My name is Salvador Coscarart I don't know if you will remember me, but I was your walking partner when we went to compete in San Fernando.
I wanted to walk as fast as you did.
The competition was one of those international events that they had at the time.
I am from Venezuela but I have been living in the United States since I left MSB.
I attended MSB from 1967 to 1974.
I have a picture of you with father Morris next to you and Colim behind you and glen Mccoy on your right, Ms Kitty Marcus, Bernard Lange and Michael Pegus and a group of students I can't remember their names.
If you visit the Abbey school web you will see me and my family.
I want to thank you with all my heart for everything you did for us.
My brother Pedro was the head prefect the last two year he attended.
He also leaves in Florida USA.
Well I hope that you are doing well and it is very nice to hear from you again thru the circulars from Ladislao,
Do you know the where abouts of Pascal Baralt or Reny Villafana or Michael Pegus, Franco Marconi, well let’s keep in touch
God bless and till next time  
I have included a photo that was taken of the blog, the Circular never got a copy.
So please remember, until there is no better means to process the photos, please send them to the Circular, so that your friends might enjoy them.
The Circular is for now the only way to spread the news, maybe when a better way is found with a hired professional in charge, you could do without the Circular. 
Ladislao Kertesz, 
So now you have all the exchange and photos.
09SC0001SCOGRP,Sarkis, Salvador Zanella
09SC0012SCODDC, Salvador and David De Castro in Florida
08SC0001SCOFAM, Salvador Coscarart´s Family 2008.
09SC0022SCOAGA, Salvador and Assam Garner in Toronto.

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