Saturday, 24 October 2009

Circular No 416

Newsletter for past alumni of The Abbey School, Mt. St. Benedict, Trinidad and Tobago, W.I. 
Caracas, 24 October 2009 No. 416
My friends,
Here are the comments that the Circular has received from our readers.
I must clarify that this group compromises the most active members and frequent writers to the Circular.
The Circular shall publish in issue No. 420, additional information, hopefully the legal creation of the new Association.
From: Rafael Echeverría []
Sent: Saturday, 27 June, 2009 11:20 AM  
I fully agree with Attila ...
Abbey School Old Boy's Association
Don Mitchell CBE QC
Wednesday, June 24, 2009 7:15:04 AM 
Hello Dennis,
Would I be right that the Abbot has no right to control the use of the School's name?
I can't believe any Registrar of trade marks would permit a copyright registration.
As graduates of the school, we are entitled to form an association using the name of the school. 
We are not defrauding anyone, or saying anything misleading. 
We are not 'passing off' anything.
It is accurately our name.   
In any event, the words are ordinary words in the public domain. 
We are as entitled as he is to the use of the name. 
A Google search reveals there are hundreds of "Abbey Schools" and "Mount Saint Benedicts". 
Still, I suppose we ought to suck up as we may need his 'blessings' from time to time! 
But, what in the world can we call ourselves? 
How about, "Whitestones Rangers"?
De: azizul mohammed []
Enviado el: Martes, 23 de Junio de 2009 06:52 p.m. 
Well who cares? I am in The Abbey School Old Boys Association. Any objections?
Date: Tue, 23 Jun 2009 18:48:15 -0400 
Well, first of all the Abbot is out of place making such demands (in my opinion). 
We are, first and foremost, an Alumni of the Mt. St. Benedict - Abbey School.
I don't even think we need to even use the word association.
Alumni says it all. 
The Abbot has no rights to take that away from past students.
We earned that status. 
The Abbey School Alumni, for the most part conducts its activities in cyberspace - email, blogs and web site.
We are World Wide. 
You think he'll bring the "pesse" and start sharing licks?
Shaun Gianetti 
On Jun 23, 2009, at 6:33 PM, Glen Mckoy wrote: 
Thank you for questioning our identity, the one and only thing we should be able to have, why?, are we treated like strangers, we are the ex-students
We are reasonable men; a good explanation should help us understand why, around every corner, we have a new surprise.  
Where is the unity of our school & church? 
I thought we had these ties in the last reunion ?? 
Who is in charge? 
As we are getting mixed messages out here. 
I am concerned, ex-student from ????, where the castle in the sky.
Let’s get this party started, 
Love to all my bothers, from the no name school. Ha! Ha!   
On Fri, Jun 26, 2009 at 9:23 PM, Attila GYURIS <> wrote: 
I agree with Carlos.
I don't think he can deny us the right to use the name (?) "Reasons unknown" ??? WTF
I really wonder what the problem with using the name of the school as part of our organization's name?   Is it copyrighted?
But I think the best approach would be: ...
why don't we find out first what the Abbot's objections are ?    
Maybe we can work this out without pissing-off the Abbot. 
After all, we need him on our side.
Attila Gyuris 
From: Carlos Dvorak <>
Date: Wednesday, June 24, 2009, 8:58 AM 
Who can tell me that I am not an ALUMNI OF THE ABBEY SCHOOL, which happened to be located somewhere in a mountain known as “MOUNT SAINT BENEDICT” and therefore I also was a student at THE ABBEY SCHOOL, regardless THAT PERSON CARES, LIKE IT OR NOT.
Date: Fri, 19 Jun 2009 19:02:07 -0500 
Dear Mr. Gurley,
My name is Salvador Coscarart,
I was a student at the abbey school from 1967 to 1974.
I was chatting with Mr. Ladislao Kertesz and he told me that the abbot father john Pereira does not want to use the abbey school name for the association.
Reasons unknown, but what if we called it “the old abbey school association of Trinidad and Tobago".
There are many abbey schools all over the world.
So why can't we use this one I just proposed.
I don't see any reason why not.
Please let me know if we can use it or Kertesz told me about the situation and am taking upon my self and on behalf of all the old abbey boys on this matter.
I live in Lafayette, Louisiana
My cell is 337-412-8751,
Thank you very much.  
Ps: will it help to get signatures from the old boys that are very much interested on keeping in touch with their brothers from the abbey school.
I just got back from a reunion in Ajax Ontario Canada, and there were old abbey boys from 1945, as well as different years,
We all want to keep in touch, but will like to do it with an organized association that will keep it private and only for the old abbey school boys.
If there is any out put on this matter please be nice and address it to Mr. Gurley whom is the attorney for the present association.
Sincerely and with all my respect
Salvador Coscarart
Abbey boy 67 -74. 
Subject: Re: ASAA Committee Meeting (12th July 09) Results PLUS.
Date: Mon, 20 Jul 2009 07:34:45 -0400 
Actually, Hudson, I agree with you.
I believe though, that the more diplomatic approach would be to allow Dennis Gurley and Peter Tang to have their chat with Fr. Abbot, to see what the problem is, and to try to negotiate a position we can accept.
If all else fails, why, then I think another course of action might be called for.
On 18-Jul-09, at 10:56 PM, wrote: 
Hi Nigel:
I believe we have earned and paid for the right to use the true and only name of the school we attended.
Those overly hot blazers we wore...
The school we hiked swam and ran for...the school who taught us to fight and take our beating like men...
Now we are whimpering out to the Abbot.
Abbey School was part of God's plan for all of us who attended this very our special school.
What God has ordained let no man or Abbot put asunder.
I say we fight for our God-given right to use the name 'Abbey School Alumni' in all our communications with all our brothers worldwide.
We are also known as Mount Boys, Aqua lads, 2nd Mt St Benedict, the mount band... but our lawful, paid in full name is "Abbey School". 
Let them sue us...we should take the school to court.
We should even take it to the Pope if necessary. 
If they never intended for us to use this name, then they should have never allowed us to use it and get attached to it in the first place.
This is an infringement of our rights as students of Abbey School and as citizens of free democratic countries like Trinidad, Venezuela, USA, Canada, Surinam, Holland, Guyana, Curacao, Australia etc...from whence we came.
Let's fight for our right. 
Long live 'Abbey School' & may God Bless our cause. 
Hudson McKoy.
Abbey School Alumni. 1969-1974. 
Thursday, July 9, 2009 8:24 PM
From: "Carlos Dvorak" 
I, fully agree with Attila’s approach; I hate to go against the Abbot’s wishes in this matter
Wednesday, July 1, 2009 1:02 PM
From: Carlos Dvorak" 
Dear Peter,
Please make sure that Fr. Abbot understands that WE ARE PROUD TO BE alumni of THE ABBEY SCHOOL, and we feel that, thanks to that, we are a special type of person.
God bless you.
De: Nigel P. Boos []
Enviado el: Martes, 30 de Junio de 2009 03:17 p.m. 
Dear Peter,
I believe that this is the correct way to go. 
Have a chat with Fr. Abbot and find out, from his point of view, what the problem is, with the use of the name "The Abbey School Old Boy's Association" or "The Abbey School Alumni Association", or whatever.
It appears to me that Fr. Abbot seems to have either heard of or witnessed something which has turned him off re. Our group.
We need to get that straightened out.
I find it difficult to understand why he does not respond to my very few emails which I have sent him, with strong suggestions for the benefit of the MSB community.
Perhaps I do not have the correct email address for him.
The one I have is:  
Perhaps you could ask him to confirm his email address for me?
Good luck. Enjoy the chat.
 ----- Original Message ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Sent: Monday, June 29, 2009 3:43 PM 
So how about 
The Abbey Mt ST Benedict Old Boys Association 
Date: Mon, 29 Jun 2009 09:10:36 -0400
Dear Dennis,
How pleasant to know about you!
Thank you for your information which I have carefully reviewed.
In spite of Fr. Abbot's explanations, which I deeply respect, I admit not to fully understand the reservations which Fr. Abbot may have with respect to old students using the "Abbey School" name. 
It is clear that we would not make any wrong use of the name or take advantage of it for any particular agenda.
That issue could even be ruled in the institutional bylaws. (Could we suggest this to Fr. Abbot?)
However, Fr. Abbot bears the authority to decide and he has expressed his opinion which we must observe.
Please extend my warm regards to all at home !
CheChe/ Rafael  
On 29-Jun-09, at 4:27 PM, Don Mitchell CBE QC wrote: 
Hi Azizul,
You got the point.
We can register the company with any name that is acceptable. 
Then, all we have to do is call it what we want as an "aka".  A company is not normally allowed to do business using an aka. 
But, so long as we keep it an informal aka, there should be no legal problem. 
So, just as an example, the company could be registered as "Company No MSB123 Limited." 
We put that official name on the company letterhead. 
Then, we also put on the letterhead, not as part of the name, but as a sort of banner, something like, "An Association of Old Boys of the Abbey School, Mount St Benedict, Tunapuna, Trinidad", or whatever we want.
That way, it is not part of the legal name, but we make it clear to anyone reading our stuff who we are.
On Jun 29, 2009, at 4:42 PM,
"Don Mitchell CBE QC" <> wrote: 
Hello Old Boys,
Since I now understand that the principal obstacle is the refusal of the Registrar of Companies to permit the name, I recognise that there is no way around it, having once served as a Registrar of Companies myself.
May I suggest "Escapees from the Prison on the Hill", for those of you who remember the old school song?
Alternatively, and as a second choice only, if Trinidad permits letters and numbers to form the name of a company, as Anguilla does, how about the acronyms "ASOBA" or "MSBOBA"? 
We would know what the word means, which is all that is important.
Monday, June 29, 2009 5:51 PM
"Attila GYURIS"  
My brothers:
I agree that the name "Abbey School" belongs to us, alumni, and we should be able to use it for good purposes.
BUT the unfortunate reality is that if the name cannot be incorporated or registered in Trinidad, because the Registrar of Companies of Trinidad will not accept it as a legal entity then we can only exist in cyberspace, and we cannot have any legal / financial standing. 
We live in a different world today, with all the litigiousness and abusive legal manoeuvring that exists in our society.
So in a way I can understand the Abbot's caution. 
I am sure he did not make this decision unilaterally, I am sure he was advised by others. 
I think one of our options maybe then to incorporate/register it in another country where the registrar will not have any objections and no permission from the Abbot is required (?).
While this maybe a legal workaround, it may still antagonize the Abbot towards us, and do we want that? 
Should we even care about that? 
Or should we forge ahead and disregard the Abbot's wishes and use the name Abbey School anyway?
I am not sure what the consequences, if any, there would be.  
Just because something is legal to do, it may not be the right thing to do. 
That is the question we must answer first.
Once we answer that, we can go to the next decision: 
1) If we decide to use the name "Abbey School" anyway, then one of the options would be to incorporate in another country.  "Damn the torpedoes, full steam ahead." 
2) If we decide to bend over and obey the Abbot's wishes, then we will have to come up with another name which would acceptable to the Registrar of Companies in Trinidad
I am personally for option 2.
Attila Gyuris 
Monday, June 29, 2009 8:45 PM
From: "" 
Hi Don;
Peter Tang (who is quite friendly with the Abbot) has agreed to have a quiet word with him.
Peter is reasonably confident that he will be able to get him to withdraw his objection to the use of the words “Abbey School” as part of the proposed name.
I suggest that we give Peter a chance to work his magic.
From: Glen Mckoy
Date: Monday, June 29, 2009, 9:54 AM

My Dear Brother Dennis,
I first, must thank you, on behalf of all of us out here, as Shaun said, out in CyberSpace,
yes the invisible members , the support you cannot see, however we stand with you, our faces on the Front. 
I understand that the Abbot does not approve of the name "Abbey School" as part of our Home Base, Non-profit association of us past students, of the school.  
We came is Peace, where is the Love and where is the Compassion?
The Abbot has made this decision based on recent unfortunate circumstances, in which the name of the Abbey has been used with detrimental consequences. 
With great respect to the Abbot, who the hell gave these people permission to use our name?? 
If the people who used our name are old abbey school boys, we need to know this, and we will fix this problem, and correct the situation. 
If these people are not old abbey school boys, we cannot accept your decision. 
As other Abbey schools around the world are registered, and sanctioned to have a non-profit Club, by their respectable church, 
I hope that these rules are not being broken as we go along.     
Also the Abbot must have no fear of the school re-opening, all pipe dreams, and not single thing can be done on the mount with out his permission, so I see absolutely no problems, but assumptions, now we in the realm have Faith, we hope the Abbot also have Faith. 
In God we Trust. 
(This is what my brother Trevor had to say) 
Just saw an email from Glen regarding the matter of the name The Abbey School
The objection of the present Abbot to the use of this name
Well as far as I am concerned the name belongs to all of us who spent many years of our lives at that place.
I think that his request should be ignored 
One would have thought that he would have been Proud to have the name of the Abbey portrayed around the world and understand that most of the old pupils are proud to have been a student of the MOUNT 
What ever is finally decided I am with you all
Regards Trevor Evelyn
1945 to 1949 and proud of it 
Dear Shaun, 
Thank you for your opinion. 
I must 1st. say how proud; it is to read your email, a younger Knight who has seen the light. 
The Abbey School/ Old Boys Private Club 1942-2009. 
We have paid our dues, a long time ago, this is our show, if you did not attend the Abbey School, during the years of preparation for this time, in the Power of Now, you will not know, for we are sacred, secret, we are an invisible elite alumni, we have been here, in Cyberspace conducting our activities, long before an official alumni was established. 
We are world wide, with the only common denominator, that holds us together, The Abbey School, Mt.St.Benedict, Tunapuna, Trinidad & Tobago. 
We extend ourselves only with kindness and support, to our good brothers who still resides, in the land of our Castle.  
We even pay respect for the people who worked around us, teachers etc, from our past, we offer honorary membership. 
To the few that we have come to respect.  
We are of no ego no more, we do not want for our selves, but only the survival of the Castle, if possible ?? 
If not, we will continue, as we did before, as we are doing now, and we will do again, in the future.
Long Live The Mount.  
Glen McKoy. 
Date: Mon, 29 Jun 2009 14:11:46 +0000 
Don't think we should cave in so easily.
Part of the problem I believe is that the Abbot was never a part of the Abbey School and can't be expected to feel what we all do.
The challenge is, to transfer our feelings to him.
Logic won't work because, his response is not logical but is solely based on a bad experience he appears to have had.
We will get him to feel the light.
Take good care.
Monday, June 29, 2009 10:53 PM
From: "Don Mitchell CBE QC"  
Sure, an excellent suggestion.
From: Rafael Echeverría [
Sent: Saturday, 27 June, 2009 11:20 AM 
I fully agree with Attila ... Rafael/CheChe 
Now to the photos. 
Ladislao Kertesz,

So now you have all the exchanges and photos.
59CV0005GUYANESE, Stuck in mud in Guyana
59CV0006GUYANESE, Football team in Guyana
59CV0007GUYANESE, Football team before match
59CV0008GUYANESE, Before boarding the ship to return to Trinidad

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